18 Nanoscale Boundary Lubrication Studies 983
Usinga surfaceforceapparatus,Yoshizawa andIsraelachvili[47,48]haveshown
that a change in the velocity or temperature induces phase transformation (from
crystalline solid-like to amorphous, then to liquidlike) in surfactant monolayers,
which are responsible for the observed changes in the friction force. Stick–slip is
observed in a low-velocity regime of a few µm/s, and adhesion and friction first
increase followed by a decrease in the temperature range of 0–50
C. Stick–slip
at low velocity and adhesion and friction curves peaking at some particular tem-
perature (observed in their study), have not been observed in the AFM study. This
suggests that the phase transformation may not happen in this study, because PFPEs
generally have very good thermal stability [10,12].
As a brief summary, the influence of velocity, relative humidity, and temperature
on the friction force of Z-15 film is presented in Fig. 18.17.The changing trends are
also addressed in this figure.
18.4.5 Tip Radius Effect
The tip radius and relative humidity affect adhesion and friction for dry and lubri-
cated surfaces [35,36]. Figure 18.18a shows the variation of single-point adhesive
force measurements as a function of tip radius on a Si(100) sample for several hu-
midities. The adhesive force data are also plotted as a function of relative humidity
for various tip radii. Figure 18.18a indicates that the tip radius has little effect on
the adhesive forces at low humidities, but the adhesive force increases with tip ra-
dius at high humidity. Adhesive force also increases with increasing humidity for
all tips. The trend in adhesive forces as a function of tip radii and relative humidity,
in Fig. 18.18a, can be explained by the presence of meniscus forces, which arise
from capillary condensation of water vapor from the environment. If enough liquid
is present to form a meniscus bridge, the meniscus force should increase with an in-
crease in tip radius, based on (18.2). This observation suggests that the thickness of
the liquid film at low humidities is insufficient to form continuous meniscus bridges
andtoaffect adhesive forces in the case of all tips.
Figure 18.18a also shows the variation in coefficient of friction as a function of
tip radius at a given humidity and as a function of relative humidity for a given tip
radius on the Si(100) sample. It can be observed that, for RH 0%, the coefficient
of friction is about the same for the tip radii investigated except for the largest tip,
which shows a higher value. At all other humidities, the trend consistently shows
that the coefficient of friction increases with tip radius. An increase in friction with
tip radius at low to moderate humidities arises from increased contact area (i.e.,
higher van der Waals forces) and the higher values of shear forces required for
a larger contact area. At high humidities, similarly to adhesive force data, an in-
crease with tip radius occurs due to both contact area and meniscus effects. It can be
seen that, for all tips, the coefficient of friction increases with humidity to about RH
45%, beyond which it starts to decrease. This is attributed to the fact that, at higher
humidities, the adsorbed water film on the surface acts as a lubricant between the
two surfaces [21]. Thus the interface is changed at higher humidities, resulting in
lower shear strength and, hence, a lower friction force and coefficient of friction.