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like hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon and fluorine influences its hydrophobic-
ity and tribological properties [28, 30, 31]. Nitrogen and oxygen reduce the con-
tact angle (or increase the surface energy) due to the strong polarity induced when
these elements are bonded to carbon. On the other hand, silicon and fluorine in-
crease the contact angle to 70–100
(or reduce the surface energy to 20–40dyn/cm)
making them hydrophobic[32,33]. Nanocomposite coatings with diamondlike car-
bon (a-C:H) networks and glasslike a-Si:O networks are generally deposited using
a PECVD (plasma-enhancedchemical vapor deposition) techniquein which plasma
is formed from a siloxane precursor using a hot filament. For a fluorinated DLC,
is added to acetylene plasma to provide the fluorocarbon source. In addition,
fluorination of DLC can be achieved by the post-deposition treatment of DLC coat-
ings in a CF
plasma. Silicon- and fluorine-containing DLC coatings usually have
reduced polarity due to the loss of sp
-bonded carbon (resulting in reduced polar-
ization potential from π electrons) and the dangling bonds of the DLC network. As
silicon and fluorine are unable to form double bonds, they force carbon into an sp
bonding state [33]. The friction and wear properties of both silicon-containing and
fluorinated DLC coatings have been reported to be superior to those of conventional
DLC coatings [34, 35]. However, DLC coatings require a line-of-sight deposition
process, which preventsdeposition on complexgeometries. Furthermore,it hasbeen
reported that some self-assembled monlayers (SAMs) are superior to DLC coatings
in terms of hydrophobicityand tribological performance [36,37].
Organized and dense molecular scale layers of, preferably, long-chain organic
molecules are known to be better lubricants on macro-, micro- and nanoscales
than freely supported multimolecular layers [4,5,38–48]. Common techniques
used to produce molecular scale organized layers include Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)
deposition and chemical grafting of organic molecules to the surface to realize
SAMs [24,25]. In the LB technique, organic molecules from suitable amphiphilic
molecules are first organized at the air–water interface and then physisorbed onto
a solid surface to form mono- or multimolecular layers [49]. On the other hand,
SAMs are produced when functionalgroups of molecules chemisorb on a solid sur-
face, which results in the spontaneous formation of robust, highly ordered, oriented
and dense monolayers [25].In both cases, the organic moleculesused have well dis-
tinguished amphiphilic properties (a hydrophilic functionalhead and a hydrophobic
aliphatic tail) so that adsorption of the molecules on an active inorganic substrate
leads to their firm attachment to the surface. Direct organization of SAMs on the
solid surfaces allows tight areas such as the bearing and journal surfaces in an as-
sembled bearing to be coated. The weak adhesion of classical LB films to the sub-
strate surface restricts their lifetimes during sliding, whereas certain SAMs can be
very durable. As a result, SAMs are of great interest for tribological applications.
Much research into the application of SAMs has been associated with the so-
called soft lithographictechnique[50,51].This is a nonphotolithographictechnique.
Photolithography is based on a projection printing system used to project an image
from a mask to a thin film photoresist,and its resolution is limited by optical diffrac-
tion limits. In soft lithography, an elastomeric stamp or mold is used to generate mi-