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FCS, because G(0) eventually becomes too small for fluctuation analysis. Typical
dye concentration for confined fluid experiments is kept at 50nM. A key point for
these experiments is to find systems in which adsorption of the fluorophore would
not complicate the situation. In other words, the fluids themselves, not the fluo-
rophores, should be attracted preferentially to the confining solid surfaces [111].
This point can be verified by scanning the laser focus vertically from within the
mica, through the surface, into the bulk fluids, and observing that there is no jump
in fluorescence counts as the surface is crossed. Finally, one needs to be sensitive
to the concern that, when using fluorophores to probe local micro-environments,
micro-environments might be perturbed by their presence. Therefore, it is essen-
tial to perform normal and shear force experiments with and without the presence
of dye molecules to verify that these are not affected. This section is adapted from
discussions in several primary accounts published previously [111].
In SFA experiments, a drop of the fluid for study is placed between the two
mica sheets, oriented as crossed cylinders so that in projection the geometry os
a sphere against a flat (Fig. 10.16). In the study of surface forces, it is well known
that, as surfaces separated by fluid are brought together, fluid drains smoothly until
a thickness of 5–10 molecular dimensions, at which point the fluid supports stress
owing to packing of molecules at the surface [1]. When rounded surfaces of this
kind are pressed together, separated by fluid, the curved surfaces flatten at the apex
to form parallel plates. The resulting inhomogeneous pressure distribution over the
contact region is well known in the field of tribology. It is approximately Hertzian;
zero at the edges of the contact zone and, at the center, 3/2 the mean value [119].
The Hertzian model is generally a good approximation in the absence of strongly
attractive forces.
Figure 10.15 shows results for two different fluid systems: (a) propane diol con-
taining ≈ 50nM rhodamine 123, and (b) octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMCTS),
containing ≈ 50nM coumarin. Propane diol is a low-viscosity fluid (≈ 0.4Poise)
with a glass-transition temperature far below room temperature (T
= −105
The OMCTS molecule is ring-shaped; it is the cyclic tetramer of dimethylsilox-
ane. It has a viscosity much like water (≈ 0.002Poise) and possesses the intriguing
featurethat it crystallizes at 1atm near room temperature(T
= 17
C), thusenhanc-
ing the possibility that a confinement-induced elevation of the melting temperature
might be detected. There is a long tradition of considering it to constitute a model
system when studying friction and surface-induced structure of nonpolar confined
fluids because numerous computer simulations designed to model lubrication have
concerned particles of spherical shape [2,95,120]. As the typical size of the con-
tact area is ≈ 50 µm and the size of the laser spot is ≈ 0.5µm, it is possible to scan
the laser focus laterally, as sketched in Fig. 10.14. From time series of fluctuations
of the fluorescence intensity, the intensity–intensity autocorrelation function can be
calculated and is plotted against logarithmic time lag. From Fig. 10.15 it is obvious
that the characteristic diffusion time increased with increasing proximity to the cen-
ter of the contact. Their physical meaning is to describe the time to diffuse through
the spot of calibrated diameter, ≈ 0.5 µm, at which the interrogatory laser beam was