11 Friction and Wear on the Atomic Scale 569
The sequence that converges most slowly is obtained when all N
= 1, which corre-
sponds to the golden mean
z = (
5−1)/2. In 1-D, Weiss and Elmer predicted that
friction should decrease with decreasing commensurability, the minimum friction
being reached when a
= z [26].
In 2-D, Gyalog and Thomas studied the case a
= a
, with a misalignment
between the two lattices given by an angle θ [25]. When the sliding direction
changes, friction also varies from a minimumvalue (corresponding to the sliding
angle ϕ = θ/2) to a maximum value (which is reached when ϕ = θ/2 + π/4; see
Fig. 11.13). The misfit angle θ is related to the commensurability. Since the misfit
angles that give rise to commensurate structure forma dense subset, the dependence
of friction on θ should be discontinuous. The numerical simulations performed by
Gyalog are in agreement with this conclusion.
11.3 Friction Experiments on the Atomic Scale
Figure 11.14 shows the first atomic-scale friction map, as observed by Mate. The
periodicity of the lateral force is the same as that of the atomic lattice of graphite.
The series of friction loops in Fig. 11.15 reveals the stick-slip effect discussed in
the previous section. The applied loads are in the range of tens of µN. According
to the continuum models discussed in Sect. 11.5, these values correspond to contact
diameters of 100 nm. A possible explanation for the atomic features observed at
such high loads is that graphite flakes may have detached from the surface and
adhered to the tip [27]. Another explanation is that the contact between tip and
surface consisted of few nm-scale asperities andthat the corrugationwas notentirely
averaged out while sliding. The load dependence of friction as found by Mate is
rather linear, with a small friction coefficient μ = 0.01 (Fig. 11.16).
The UHV environment reduces the influence of contaminants on the surface
and leads to more precise and reproducible results. Meyer et al. [28] obtained
a series of interesting results on ionic crystals using the UHV-FFM apparatus de-
Fig. 11.14. First atomic
friction map acquired on
graphite with a normal force
= 56 µN. Frame size:
2 nm. (After [1])