19 Lotus Effect: Roughness-Induced Superhydrophobic Surfaces 1057
however, they cannot repel small “artificial fog” droplets trapped in the valleys be-
tween the bumps, so the hierarchy may have to do with the ability to repel droplets
of various size ranges.
Nosonovsky and Bhushan [100,101,103–106] showed that the mechanisms in-
volved into the superhydrophobicity are scale-dependent with effects at various
scale ranges acting simultaneously, and thus the roughness must be hierarchical in
order to respond to these mechanisms. They also suggested that the small rough-
ness can pin the composite interface and thus prevent undesirable Cassie–Wenzel
transition [94, 95, 100, 101]. For most superhydrophobic surfaces, it is important
that a composite solid-air-liquid interface is formed. The composite interface dra-
matically reduces the area of solid-liquid contact and, therefore, reduces adhesion
of a liquid droplet to the solid surface and contact angle hysteresis. Formation of
a composite interface is a multiscale phenomenon, which depends upon relative
sizes of the liquid droplets and roughness details. The transition from a composite
interface to a homogeneous interface is irreversible; therefore, stability of a com-
posite interface is crucial for superhydrophobicity and should be addressed for
successful development of superhydrophobic surfaces. Nosonovsky and Bhushan
[100,101,103, 104,106] have demonstrated that a multiscale (hierarchical) rough-
ness can help to resist the destabilization, with small convex surfaces pinning the
interface and thus leading to stable equilibrium as well as preventing from filling
the gaps between the pillars even in the case of a hydrophilic material.
Regarding the size of the micro- and nanostructures, the following considera-
tions can be made. The structure of ideal hierarchical surfaceis shown in Fig. 19.34.
The asperities should be high enough so that the droplet does not touch the val-
leys. For a structure with circular pillars, the following relationship should hold for
a compositeinterface, (
/R< H, (19.25)).As anexample,fora dropletwith
a radius on the order of 1 mm or larger, a value of H on the order of 30µm, D on
the order of 15 µm, a P on the order of 130µm (Fig. 19.23) is optimum. Nanoasper-
ities can pin the liquid-air interface and thus prevent liquid from filling the valleys
between asperities. They are also required to support nanodroplets, which may con-
dense in the valleys between large asperities. Therefore, nanoasperities should have
a small pitch to handle nanodroplets, less than 1 mm down to few nm radius. The
values of h on the order of 10nm and d on the order of 100nm can be easily fabri-
19.6 How to Make a Superhydrophobic Surface
Fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces has been an area of active research since
mid 1990s. In general, the same techniques that are used for micro- and nanostruc-
ture fabrication,such as the lithography, etching, and deposition, have been utilized
for producing superhydrophobicsurfaces (Fig. 19.35, Table 19.6). Pros and cons of
these techniques are summarized in Table 19.7. Among especially interesting de-
velopment is the creation of switchable surfaces that can be turned from hydropho-
bic to hydrophilic by applying electric potential, heat or ultraviolet (UV) irradia-
tion [49,80,84,126,135].Another important requirement for potential applications