118 5 Critical Dynamics in Fluids
Figure 5.1. Vertex for the velocity fluctuations
i) the order parameter line breaking into a order parameter and a velocity field
ii) the velocity line breaking into two order parameter lines
The momentum factors occurring with the vertices are shown in the figure. At
each vertex, momentum and frequency are conserved. We now make the convention
that a line with an arrow is a propagator and a line with a circle is a correlator. The
noise for the concentration field is shown by a dot within the circle and that for
the velocity field is shown by a cross within a circle. The response function being
a correlation of the field and noise, the diagrammatic representation is shown in
Fig. 5.2
Figure 5.2. Order parameter response function at one loop order
The factor of 2 shown in one of the diagrams is = in? Fig. 5.2a comes from
the combinatorics - either of the two lines emanating from the velocity line at
k −p can combine with the noise term. Reading off the contribution
from Fig. 5.2a according to the rules, we have the second order contribution G
to G
work out as