minnesotaite (traditionally considered as a variety of talc) has a modulated structure
with tetrahedral strips. Other 2:1 layer silicates, such as sepiolite, palygorskite, and
loughlinite also show a modulated structure but the strips are made up of octahedral
sheets (Martin et al., 1991).
2.6.1. Pyrophyllite, Talc, and Related Minerals
The ideal layer structure of pyrophyllite (dioctahedral) and talc (trioctahedral) is
electrically neutral, and hence no charge-balancing cation is present in the interlayer
space. Contiguous layers are held together by van der Waals interactions. This
affects both the mechanical properties of the minerals and the quality of crystals for
structural investigation.
Pyrophyllite with an ideal structural formula of Al
, is not known to
vary greatly in composition. Only limited substitution of Al
for Si
and minor
amounts of Fe
have so far been found. Although struc-
tural investigations of this mineral are complicated by its small size and irregular
layer stacking, polytypism in pyrophyllite has been identified by several authors
(Zvyagin et al., 1968; Shitov and Zvyagin, 1972; Evans and Guggenheim, 1988).
There are two dominant polytypes, a two-layer monoclinic (2M), and a one-layer
triclinic (1 Tc ). Investigations into the pyrophyllite structure date back to Gruner
(1934), Hendricks (1938a). Rayner and Brown (1966) have proposed the space group
C2/c and Cc with a ¼ 0.517 nm, b ¼ 0.892 nm, c ¼ 1.866 nm, b ¼ 99.81 as unit-cell
parameters. Brindley and Wardle (1970) determined the XRD powder patterns of
pyrophyllite samples from different localities, and showed the existence of both one-
layer triclinic and two-layer monoclinic forms. Some samples were mixtures of the
two forms, while others were so disordered, either naturally or by mesh grinding,
that differentiation was not possible. The powder pattern of the best-crystallized
sample gave the following parameters: a ¼ 0.5173 nm, b ¼ 0.8960 nm,
c ¼ 0.9360 nm, a ¼ 91.21, b ¼ 100.41, g ¼ 901 for the triclinic form; and
a ¼ 0.5172 nm, b ¼ 0.8958 nm, c ¼ 1.867 nm, b ¼ 100.01 for the monoclinic form.
The corresponding anhydrous phases gave the following parameters: a ¼ 0.5140 nm,
b ¼ 0.9116 nm, c ¼ 0.9504 nm, a ¼ 91.21, b ¼ 100.21, g ¼ 901 for the triclinic form,
and a ¼ 0.5173 nm, b ¼ 0.9114 nm, c ¼ 1.899 nm, b ¼ 100.01 for the monoclinic
form. The expansion of the b parameter was attributed to a relaxation of the twisted
Si–O network. After dehydroxyl ation, the Al
ion coordination appeared to change
only slightly, possibly causing the structures to be constrained in the a direction
(Wardle and Brindley, 1972).
The first three-dimensional crystal structure refinement of pyrophyllite (polytype
1Tc, space group symmetry C
1) has been carried out by Lee and Guggenheim (1981).
The mean tetrahedral cation-oxygen bond length (0.1618 nm) is consistent with the
lack of significant Al
for Si
substitutions. Similarly, the octahedral cation-ox-
ygen distance (0.1912 nm) indicates a nearly complete Al occupancy. The OH vector
points away from the (001) plane and forms an angle of about 261 (Giese, 1973). This
Chapter 2: Structures and Mineralogy of Clay Minerals36