as an associated phase since this group of hydrated aluminosilicates lacks long-range
order; that is, its structural regularity does not extend much beyond 1nm (Parfitt,
1990). Nevertheless, we propose that allophane be regarded as a clay mineral because
of past usage. The same applies to imogolite, an aluminosilicate with long-range
order in one direction (Wada, 1989). Chapter 2 gives more detail about allophane
and imogolite.
In this context, we should mention the existence of other types of solids that have
similar properties to the phyllosilicates in terms of layer structure, charge charac-
teristics, and potential for intercalation but are not components of clay. In other
words, these layered materials are neither associated minerals nor associated phases
of the fine-grained fraction of soil and sediment.
Some notable examples are the alkali silicates, crystalline silicic acids, niobates,
phosphates, titanates, and LDH (Lagaly and Beneke, 1991; Schwieger and Lag aly,
2004). Only LDH are included in this handbook (Chapter 13.1). This is partly
because of space limitation, and partly because LDH have been referred to as ‘an-
ionic clays’. Further, LDH have attracted a great deal of attention for their actual
and potential applications in catalysis and environmental protection (Newman and
Jones, 1998; Tichit and Vaccari, 1998; Basile et al., 2001).
According to the definition of ‘clay’, proposed by the JNCs (Guggenheim and
Martin, 1995), LDH should not be considered as clay because of their synthetic
origin. On the other hand, hydrotalcite, the naturally occurring analogue of LDH,
would clearly qualify as clay. The term ‘anionic clays’ may also cause confusion since
the layers of LDH are positively charged, and hence are cationic (the anionic de s-
ignation being a reference to the anion exchange property of LDH). Another name
for LDH, used in the literature, is ‘hydrotalcite- like compounds’ but this term seems
less descriptive and more cumbersome than ‘layered double hydroxides’. Similarly,
the term ‘cationic clays’ to denote the (conventional) phy llosilicates with a negative
layer charge (Tables 1.2 and 1.3) is not advocated. As already mentioned, the term
‘clay mineral’, as defined by the JNCs (Guggenheim and Martin, 1995), may en-
compass non-phyllosilicates (if they impart plasticity to clay). This would open the
way for the inclus ion of natural and synthetic minerals, such as LDH in the clay
mineral family although synthetic LDH are not part of common clay material. This
issue needs to be clarified (and resolved).
Clay minerals are often confused with zeolites because they tend to occur together
and share many attributes (Chapter 13.2). Both groups of materials can be synthe-
sized, modified, and tailored by chemical, physical, and thermal treatments.
Other materials with properties related to phyllosilicates, notably smectites, are
cement and concrete (Chapter 13.3).
Chapter 1: Clays, Clay Minerals, and Clay Science10