proposed by Drits and Sokolova (1971) for the monoclinic form (b about 105.21,is
not far from Drits and Sokolova’s value of 1071), and that by Preisinger (1963) for
the orthorhombic form.
Each form has some reflections (with l6¼0) that are not shown by the other; these
can be used for discrimination (Figs. 2.22 and 2.23). For exa mple, the lines at
0.425 nm (121), 0.309 nm (123), and 0.2536 nm (161) indicate the presence of ortho-
rhombic palygorskite, while those at 0.436 nm (120) and 0.251 nm (162, overlapping
with 200) are indicative of monoclinic palygorskite. Two lines near 0.320 nm also
indicate the presence of the monoclinic form, while a single line at 0.319 nm is
expected for the orthorhombic forms. The d-values for monoclinic palygorskite de-
pend on b, even in the narrow range of 106–1081 (Figs. 2.22 and 2.23).
One palygorskite structure must be considered as orthorhombic: Pnm b (Prei-
singer, 1963) and another as monoclinic: A2/m (Bradley, 1940; Drits and Sokolova,
1971). Monoclinic cells proposed by Zvyagin et al. (1963) and Christ et al. (1969)
with smaller values of b may represent alternative choices of axes in the monoclinic
system, as noted by Bailey (1980) who also gave the following unit-cell parameters:
a ¼ 0.52 nm, b ¼ 1.79 nm, c sin b ¼ 1 .27 nm, b ¼ 90, 96 or 1071. Channels in the
structure are 0.37 0.64 nm in dimension and run parallel to the fibre lengt h. Powder
XRD patte rns of palygorskite and sepiolite are shown in Figs. 2.24 and 2.25.
Zoltai (1981) has described the palygorskite and sepiolite structures as biopyri-
boles (bio ¼ biotite, pyr ¼ pyroxenes, iboles ¼ amphiboles) built of tri-di-octahedral
modules, the tri-module being M
, and di-module M
. M is the
octahedral cation and A is the anion not bonded to Si within to module; it can be
oxygen when bonded to Si and is (OH) when bonded to more that one M cations.
One half of each A anion is H
O molecule when the anion bonded to only one M
cation. The width of these modules is one tetrahedral chain, and their height (t)is
four times the height of an ideal polyhedral layer. Combinations of these modu les
can give rise to complete crystal structures with a vertical displacement between the
modules equal to n t (with n ¼ 0, 1/2, 3/4). If n ¼ 0, the major layer silicates are
produced. A sequence of n ¼ 0 and 3/4 between modules produces palygorskite, and
the sequence 0, 0, and 3/4 gives the sepiolite structure (Fig. 2.26). Symbol 0 is relative
to the orientation of tetrahedral chains, ind icating that the faces of adjacent tet-
rahedra point in opposite directions (‘0’ chains).
Although the crystallographic description by Zoltai (1981) is attractive, palygors-
kite and sepiolite should be considered as phyllosilicate s (see above) with special
features rather than as biopyriboles. This is because the physicochemical properties
and genetic environments of palygorskite and sepiolite are akin to those of clay
minerals. In common with many other phyllosilicates, a detailed single-crystal
structure of sepiolite and palygorskite is still wanting. IR studies combined with
powdered diffraction EM and TA have provided insight into the nature of the water
in sepiolite and palygorskite, and the structural changes that occur after heating/
dehydration (Hayashi et al., 1969; Serna et al., 1975, 1977; Mifsud et al., 1978; Van
Scoyoc et al., 1979; Blanco et al., 1988).
Chapter 2: Structures and Mineralogy of Clay Minerals60