the main crystal chemical parameters controlling the smectite-to-illite transforma-
tion (S
and Eberl, 1984; Lindgreen et al., 1991; Huang, 1992; Drits, 1997). The
dynamics of this process have been investigated using a wide range of approaches,
notably HRTEM and modelling (Bethke and Altaner, 1986).
In the model, developed by Altaner and Ylagan (1997) the crystal structure of
illite-smectite (I–S) is interpreted in terms of a non-polar and a polar 2:1 layer. In the
non-polar model, individual 2:1 layers are chemically homogeneous, whereas 2:1
layers in the polar model can have a smectite charge on one side and an illite charge
on the other. Assuming a polar 2:1 layer model for I–S, the reaction mechanisms
required for smectite illitization are (i) solid-state transformation (SST); (ii) disso-
lution and crystallization (DC); and (iii) Ostwald ripening (OR). SST features the
replacement of smectite interlayers by illite interlayers, leading to gradual changes in
interlayer ordering, polytype, chemical and isotopic composition, crystal size and
shape. Several SST models are possible depending on the nature of the reaction site
(framework cations, polyhedra, or interlayers). In contrast, DC models allow for
abrupt changes in the structure, composition, and texture of I–S as illitization pro-
ceeds. Several DC models are possible depending on the nature of the rate-controlling
step, i.e., diffusional transport or surface reactions during crystal growth. The OR
model represents the coarsening of a single mineral where the smallest crystals dis-
solve and nucleate onto existing larger crystals, allowing for evolution in the over-
growth but not in the template crystal. An SST mechanism, involving either reacting
polyhedra or reacting interlayers, seems to provide the best model of illitization in
rock-dominated systems such as bentonite, while a DC mechanism seems best in
describing illitization in fluid-dominated systems such as sandstone and hydrothermal
environments. Both DC and SST mechanisms can occur in shale. Differences in
reaction mechanism may be related to permeability. The OR model poorly describes
illitization because of the progressive mineralogical and chemical changes involved.
In rectorite, there is regular interstratification of one layer of illite and one layer of
smectite (y ISIS y), while regular interstratification of one smectite and three illite
layers (y IIISIIIS y) gives rise to tarasovite.
Other interstratified minerals composed of non-expandable and expandable 2:1
layers are leucophyllite–smectite (Sokolova, 1982), glauconite–nontronite (Odom,
1984) and celadonite–nontroni te (Lipkina et al., 1987).
Allophane and imogolite are clay-size hydrous alumino-silicates of short-range
order. Although, these minerals have been found in soils of different origins and
environments, they are especially abundant in soils derived from volcanic ash and
weathered pumice. Not all allophanes, however, are associated with soil environ-
ments. A prime example is the type that occurs as a deposit on a stream bed near Silica
Springs, New Zealand. The literature also mentions ‘proto-imogolite’, which is a
Chapter 2: Structures and Mineralogy of Clay Minerals48