136 5. The ocean and the atmosphere
data in Egbert et al. (1994; hereafter referenced as EBF). This tidal solution and others
have been extensively reviewed (Andersen et al., 1995; Le Provost, 2001; Le Provost
et al., 1995; Shum et al., 1997). The solutions were tested with independent tide gauge
data. All agreed to within a few centimeters, but the EBF inverse solution (“TPX0.2”)
did not perform as well as empirical fits to the altimetry (Schrama and Ray, 1994), nor as
well as a finite-element forward solution of the Laplace Tidal Equations obtained by a
team in Grenoble (Le Provost et al., 1994). The inverse solution was in effect an empir-
ical fit to the altimetry using a few thousand representers, whereas the other empirical
fits used around one hundred thousand degrees of freedom. Schrama and Ray (1994)
chose the high-resolution Grenoble finite-element solution as the prior, or first-guess
for their empirical fit. The prior for the EBF inverse was a finite-difference solution
of the Laplace Tidal Equations on a relatively coarse grid. A striking and confidence-
enhancing aspect of the inverse solution was its relative smoothness, which it owed
to its parsimony or few degrees of freedom. The Grenoble finite-element solution had
very fine resolution in shallow seas, where it excelled. The EBF inverse solution was
based on representers for cross-overs in deep water only. Driven by the tide-generating
force and tidal data at few basin boundaries, the finite-element model is almost a
pure mechanical theory and so its success is all the more impressive. More recent
implementations (Le Provost, personal communication) have no basin boundaries, that
is, the domain is the global ocean and so no tidal data are needed to close the solution.
Nevertheless, the tidal solutions are quite accurate. This is a remarkable technical and
scientific achievement, surely the most successful theory in geophysics and one of
the most successful in all of physics. The finite-element model is limited principally
by inaccurate bathymetry and by incomplete parameterizations of drag. It has recently
been reformulated as an inverse model, and solved with representers computed by
finite-element methods (Lyard, 1999). The latest tidal solutions of various type, now
based on eight or more years of altimetry and refined orbit theories, are believed to
agree to well within observational errors (e.g., Egbert, 1997). A new independent trial
is underway at the time of writing (October 2001). The most recent finite-difference
inverse solution (TPX0.4) uses approximately 4 × 10
real valued representers, includ-
ing many in shallower seas (Egbert and Ray, 2000). A global plot of coamplitude and
cophase lines may be found at www.oce.orst.edu/po/research/tide/global.html.
A unique feature of the inverse tidal solutions is the availability of maps of residuals
in the equations of motion – the Laplace Tidal Equations. A global plot of the average,
per tidal cycle, of the rate of working by the dynamical residuals for the principal
lunar semidiurnal constituent M
of TPX0.4, is shown in Fig. 5.2.7. Negative values
indicate that the tides are losing energy. The largest losses do not occur in regions
of the strong boundary currents of the general circulation, such as the Gulf Stream,
but instead along the ridges and other steep topography. These errors may be due to
the somewhat simplified parameterizations of earth tide and load tide, to unresolved
topographic waves or to internal tides. The net loss is a delicate balance involving work
done by residuals, by a model bottom drag and by the moon.