5.4 Tropical cyclones (2) 151
The full Primitive Equations may be found in Haltiner and Williams (1980, p. 17)
or in the appendix to Bennett, Chua and Leslie (1996, hereafter BCL1; the associated
Euler–Lagrange equations are also here in Appendix B). The vertical coordinate is
not simply the pressure p as in §5.1, but Phillip’s sigma-coordinate: σ = p/ p
is the pressure at the earth’s surface. The lower boundary for the atmosphere is
conveniently located at σ = 1.
A quadratic penalty functional for reconciling dynamics, initial conditions and data
is also given in BCL1, along with
(i) the nonlinear Euler–Lagrange equations;
(ii) the linearized Primitive Equations and Euler–Lagrange equations;
(iii) the representer equations and
(iv) the adjoint representer equations.
The linearized equations (ii)–(iv) enable an iterative solution of the nonlinear equa-
tions (i); each linear iterate may itself be solved by the indirect, iterative representer
method described in §3.1. The “inner” or “data space” search was preconditioned in
BCL1 using all representers calculated on a relatively coarse 128 × 64 × 9 global grid
with two-minute time steps, see Bennett, Chua and Leslie (1997, hereafter BCL2).
The smallness of the time steps is due to the polar convergence of the meridians. The
inverse was calculated on a relatively fine 256 × 128 × 9 global grid with one-minute
time steps. There were 4.4 × 10
grid points in a twenty-four-hour smoothing interval,
for about 2.6 × 10
gridded values of u, v,˙σ , T , q,lnp
, etc.
The coarse-grid preconditioner was only moderately effective owing to errors of
interpolation from the coarse grid to the data sites. The latter were reprocessed cloud
track wind observations (RCTWO) inferred from consecutive satellite images of middle
and upper-level clouds (Velden et al., 1992). Some of these observations are shown
in Fig. 5.4.1. The observation period included tropical cyclone “Ed” near (113
N) and Supertyphoon
“Flo” near (130
E, 23
N). The RCTWO were available
at t =−24, −18, −12 and 0 hours, and at 850 hPa, 300 hPa and 200 hPa for a total
of M = 2436 vector components. The measurement errors for each component were
assumed to be 3 m s
at the respective levels, uncorrelated from
the other component of the same vector and from all other vectors elsewhere and at
different times. The single inversion reported in BCL1 reduced the penalty functional
from a prior value of 6432 to a posterior value of 4066. It may be concluded that the
forward model and initial conditions (an ECMWF analysis) were very good, that the
RCTWO only had moderate impact, and that the prior root mean square error should
have been 30% larger. Given the difficulty in estimating the dynamical errors, such a
conclusion is incontestable. Assimilation of the RCTWO did however have a useful
impact on subsequent forecasts of meridional wind fields near “Flo”: see BCL1. Of
greater interest here are the representers, for the Primitive Equation dynamics linearized
According to the Japanese Meteorological Agency.