160 5. The ocean and the atmosphere
of oceanic heat flux, rather than a neglected exchange with the atmosphere. On
“Feb. 30” 1995, the region of significantly negative r
(see BI, Fig. 12) coincides with
a negative anomaly T , yielding the same conclusion. On Nov. 30, 1994 negative r
coincides with positive T , possibly representing a loss from the ocean to the atmos-
phere rather than an oceanic heat flux divergence. No clear evidence of loss from the
atmosphere to the ocean is seen in Year 1. In principle, both candidates for r
should be
accepted. However, scale analysis shows that an oceanic temperature source of strength
, c
being the atmospheric phase speed, g being gravity and
the air density, is an order of magnitude smaller than the prior standard deviation for
the residual r
. Thus, only oceanic heat flux convergence is a credible candidate for r
The convergence may be vertical or horizontal. The model’s simple parameterization of
heat flux using a simple mixing function is almost certainly significantly in error. The
linear momentum equations in the model ocean and atmosphere do not support eddies
or instabilities such as tropical instability waves that could produce horizontal eddy
heat fluxes. It should, however, be pointed out that such waves tend to be weakest during
El Ni˜no events (and 1994–1995 is no exception), and that they tend to be strongest
east of 150
W. Yet Fig. 5.5.3 shows that the maximum SST dynamical residuals r
near 160
W. Nevertheless, the oceanic momentum equations should include horizontal
advection, in addition to well-resolved vertical advection and better-parameterized
vertical mixing.
It is simple to recompute the inverse with the dynamics imposed as strong constraints:
the dynamical error variances are set to zero and the iterated indirect representer algor-
ithm is rerun. There are sufficiently many degrees of freedom in the initial residuals to
enable the inverse to fit the data at some moorings for three months, but nowhere for
longer times: see Fig. 5.5.4 (Year 1).
Monte Carlo methods may be used to approximate the posterior error covariances:
see §3.2. These are relatively smooth and need not be computed on as fine a grid as is
used for the inverse itself. A small number of samples should be adequate for such low
moments of error, if not for Monte Carlo approximation of the inverse itself. Recall that
the representers are themselves covariances (see §2.2.3), and so may be approximated
by Monte Carlo methods. Comparisons with representers and inverses calculated with
the Euler–Lagrange equations demonstrate the accuracy of sampling methods. Shown
in Fig. 5.5.5 are four calculations of SST for Nov. 1994. Daily values are calculated
as described below, and then averaged for 30 days. The first panel shows the solution
of the Euler–Lagrange equations. This is a true ensemble estimate since it is a solution
to what are, in effect, the moment equations for the randomly forced coupled model.
The second, third and fourth panels are Monte Carlo estimates based on respectively
100, 500 and 1500 samples. It is disturbing that the +2
warm pool on the Dateline,
characterizing the moderate El Ni˜no of Year 1, is only clearly expressed with 1500
samples. These calculations, variational and Monte Carlo, are all made on the same
spatial grid and at the same temporal resolution.