226 Subject index
array, 48, 50
assessment, 5, 51, 135
mode, 49–51
Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
(BMRC), 148
arithmetic, 3, 106, 108
ensemble, 145
Reynolds, 41
sample, 71
space, 145
subgridscale, 41
time, 145
background, 11, 111, 166, 170
backward equation, 19
balance, condition of, 112
balance, condition of detailed, 112, 113
balloon, high altitude, 142
bare impulse, 19
basin resonance, 133
bathymetry, 130, 133
Bayes’ Rule, 109, 111
bell-shaped correlation, 54, 64, 158, 167
best linear unbiased estimate (BLUE), 39, 40,
72, 99
best-fit, xv, 36
beta plane, equatorial, 157
bias, 39, 41, 72, 74, 99, 101, 108, 128, 167
biconjugate-gradient, 93
bilinear function, 52
bilinear interpolation, 156
bimodal distribution, 105
biological model, 116
biology, marine, xix
boundary condition, xiv, 8, 9, 27, 50, 52, 127,
130, 134
computational, 180
free slip, 157
heat-reservoir, 94
meridional, 157
no slip, 157
partitioning of, 183
periodic, 198, 200
rigid, 133, 198, 200
zonal, 157
error, uncorrelated in time, 96
layer, 103
open, 127, 180
operator, 21, 22
penalty, 18
boundary value
error covariance for inverse estimate,
excess, xx
problem, xiv, xix
two-point problem in time, 19, 66
brute-force minimization, xviii, 85
calculus of variations, xvi, 15, 52, 56, 83, 85, 134
calculus of variations, second-order information, 92
Cane–Zebiak coupled model, 144
chain rule, 120
chaotic solution, 12
checkerboarding, 115
checklist, data assimilation, xix, 4
chi-squared (χ
) test, xv, 6, 43
Cholesky factorization, 166
climate prediction, seasonal-to-interannual, 156
climatology plus persistence (CLIPER), 150
clipping, 50
cluster point, 142
coding error, 93
coefficient matrix, 50
color, 72
completing the square, 34
compromise, 104, 167
boundary condition, 180
degrees of freedom, xviii
efficiency, 18
harm, 84
practice, 72
requirements, 74
computer architecture, multi-processor, xviii, 61
conditioning, xv, 4, 51
conditioning, discrete analysis of, 51
conduction, 93
conjugate gradient, preconditioned, 146, 166
entropy, 121, 144
mass, 144
momentum, xvi, 121
scalar, 121
total vorticity, 141
volume, 79, 119
continuity, 56
dependence, 8, 173
random variable, 105
solution, 139
continuum, xx, 50, 51
control space, xvii, xviii, 51
convection, xviii, 83, 84, 116
convection, timing penalty, 84
convergence, 62, 63, 74, 76, 92, 142, 169
convolution, 29, 51, 60, 64, 65
isobaric, 118, 121, 177