A.2 Variational data assimilation 199
NI+1, j
= q
1, j
Numerical model parameters
The following parameters are suggested:
number of grid points in x-direction, NI = 20
number of grid points in y-direction, NJ = 11
number of time steps, NK = 100
grid spacing (x-direction), x = 100 km
grid spacing (y-direction), y = 100 km
time step, t = 180 s.
A.1.9 Numerical code and output
Source code: fwd.f
To compile the source code: f77-O3 fwd.f -o fwd
Output file: ufwd.dat, vfwd.dat and qfwd.dat
A.1.10 To generate a plot
(i) Postprocessing
Source code: postprocess.f
To compile the source code: f77 postprocess.f -o postprocess
Input file: ufwd.dat, vfwd.dat and qfwd.dat
Output file: u.dat, v.dat, q.dat, uy.dat, vy.dat, qy.dat
(ii) Line plot
gnuplot line.gnu (input file: qy.dat; output file: qy.ps)
(iii) Contour plot
gnuplot contour.gnu (input file: q.dat; output file: q.ps)
Variational data assimilation
A.2.1 Preamble
The exercise is to reformulate the forward model of Exercise A.1 as an inverse model,
to define a penalty functional, to derive the associated system of Euler–Lagrange (EL)
equations and to express its solution using representers.