12 Vortex Matter 615
12.12 Vortex Glasses
The presence of disorder turns the vortex lattice
into a glassy phase which is most conveniently de-
fined through its response: as the current j goes to
zero the barriers inhibiting vortex motion diverge,
U(j → 0) ∼ U
, and the vortex velocity
v ∝ exp[−U(j)/T]goestozeroinasingularman-
ner [15–17, 19–21]. The glass exponent describ-
ing the divergence of the barriers is a characteristic
quantity of the phase.This should be contrasted with
the situation where the barriers saturate, produc-
ing a regular ohmic response with a finite resistiv-
denotes the flux flow resistivity).Such thermally ac-
tivated flux flow (TAFF) occurs in a pinned liquid
where the divergence of the activation barriers is
cut off by plastic rearrangements in the vortex sys-
tem [56].
A second characteristic of the glass phase is the
loss of translational order. Here, we have to distin-
guish between weak and strong disorder and be-
tween uncorrelated (due to point defects) and cor-
related disorder (e.g., due to columnar defects or
twin boundaries). Originally, the vortex-glass phase
has been conceived as a strongly disordered phase
where the lattice order has been largely destroyed
through the appearance of dislocations [16]. Further
analysis has shown, however, that the loss of trans-
lational order due to disorder is much more subtle:
within the elastic description outlined in Sect.12.9.4,
the asymptotic loss of order is only logarithmic,
) [19–21]. Hence a scattering
experiment would still produce algebraic peaks [21]
(as for a 2D lattice with quasi-long-range order, cf.
Sect. 12.7.4) and following this characteristic this
phase has been termed a Bragg-glass. Also, it has
been shown that for weak disorder and low magnetic
fields this Bragg-glass phase is stable with respect to
spontaneous creation of dislocations [21,451–453].
The other extreme is that of strong disorder due
to columnar defects.Contrary to uncorrelatedpoint-
like disorder which induces line wandering, corre-
lated disorder due to columnar tracks favors local-
ization of the linesonto thedefects.Upon irradiation,
theoriginal vortexlatticeis destroyedand thepinned
phase below the irreversibilityline turnsintoa glassy
phase which has been termed “Bose-glass” [55] in
analogy with the Bose-glass phase appearing in the
phase diagram of dirty 2D quantum bosons [454].
Besides these two “weak” and “strong” Bragg and
Bose-glass phases a third type of glass, the “origi-
nal” vortex-glass phase [15], is still much debated.
Quite interestingly, the Hamiltonian originally pro-
posed to describe the vortex-glass phase, when ana-
lyzed for the weak disorder case, has been shown to
produce Bragg-glass order [20,21]. The present sta-
tus of the (amorphous) vortex-glass phase is rather
vaguely defined: again due to point like disorder, the
line entanglement anda finite density of dislocations.
With dislocations present, the question then arises
whether this amorphous vortex-glass is a thermody-
namically distinct phase as compared to the vortex-
liquid [455]. Indeed, isolated dislocations still can
be described within an elastic theory and the com-
petition between elasticity and disorder produces a
glassy response for the individual dislocation line,
similar to the glassy response of an individual vor-
tex line [38,377,456].However, going to a finite den-
sity of dislocations the elastic description becomes
ill defined as the dislocations start interacting and
it is unclear whether the resulting phase turns into
a glass or a liquid phase. An interesting question
in this context is about the relation between struc-
tural order and stiffness (if such relation exists at
all): the analysis of the low-frequency response of a
collectively pinned vortex manifold (a vortex-glass
with a displacement field u
and diverg-
ing barriers described through the random manifold
regime) gives a superfluid density
(!) which van-
ishes ∝ [ln(1/!)]
in the limit ! → 0
[457]. The question then is whether the quasi-long-
range-orderedBragg-glass(witha displacementfield
)) behaves differently and devel-
ops a finite superfluid stiffness.
Confronted with (possibly) three types of new
glass phases a number of questions arise: what are
their phase boundaries, what is the nature of the
transitions, and what are the neighboring phases.
Let us first concentrate on the Bragg-glass: Since
the effect of disorder is weak the Bragg-glass melts