13 Unconventional Superconductivity in Novel Materials 641
The emphasis of this review is on experiment. In
view of the enormous scope of the subject,this article
is not comprehensive and the choice of examples dis-
cussed is very selective. The chapter is divided into
the following sections:
1. Introduction
2. Conventional superconductors containing local-
ized magnetic moments
3. f -electron heavy fermion superconductors
4. Organic superconductors
5. Layered cuprate and ruthenate superconductors
6. Comparison of the propertiesof different classes
of novel superconductors
It should be noted that the magnetic field is denoted
by the symbol H throughout the text, and by both H
and B in the figures.
13.2 Conventional Superconductors
Containing Localized Magnetic
13.2.1 Introduction
The focus of this article is on the unconventional
superconductivity displayed by several classes of
novel superconductors, including heavy fermion f -
electron compounds, organic compounds, and lay-
ered cuprates and ruthenates. As noted above, there
is a preponderance of evidence for pairing of super-
conducting electronswithangularmomentum L > 0
and a strong perception that magnetic interactions
play a dominant role in mediating the electron pair-
ing in these materials. However, in order to put these
developments in perspective, we first describe the
extraordinary effects that occur when magnetic mo-
ments are embedded in s-wave superconductors. We
consider two situations: one in which magnetic ions
dissolvedin a superconducting hosthave a smallcon-
centration and do not exhibit spin glass or long-range
magnetic order (paramagnetic impurities), and an-
other in which a large concentration of magnetic
ions occupy a sublattice in a superconducting inter-
metallic compound and exhibit long range magnetic
order (magnetically ordered superconductors). Our
discussion is brief; the interested reader is referred
to several more extensive articles on the subject for
further reference [5–13].
The interrelation between superconductivity and
magnetism has a longhistory that spans nearly a half
century. The first theoretical inquiry into the coexis-
tenceof superconductivity and magnetism was made
by Ginzburg in1957 [14] andexperimentalinvestiga-
tions by Matthias,Suhl,and Corenzwit soon followed
in 1958 [15]. The early experiments were carried out
on binary and pseudobinary systems in which a rare
earth rare earth (R) impurity with a partially-filled
4f electron shell and corresponding magnetic mo-
ment was dissolved in a superconducting element
or binary compound; e.g., La
and Y
(Note that throughout this Chapter, rare earth R in-
cludes Y and the lanthanides La through Lu, upon
successive filling of the f -electron shell.) These ex-
periments were very provocative, but largely incon-
clusive with regard to questions concerning the co-
existence of superconductivity and long-range mag-
netic order, primarily due to complications associ-
ated with chemical clustering and/or short-range or
“glassy” types of magnetic order. However, the ex-
periments stimulated some imaginative theoretical
developments which, although largely inapplicable
to the binary and pseudobinary systems then being
investigated, anticipated several important phenom-
ena that were later discovered in the 1970s.A signif-
icant “spin-off” of the early experimental and work
on the coexistence problem was the achievement of
a rather good understanding of superconductivity
in the presence of paramagnetic impurities, includ-
ing the effects of the crystalline electric field, Kondo
scattering, localized spin fluctuations, etc. [5,6].
13.2.2 Superconducting-Magnetic Interactions
In a conventional superconductor,the superconduc-
tivity involves electron pairs (Cooper pairs) in which
the two electrons have opposite momentum k and
spin s -(k ↑, −k ↓). An applied magnetic field H or
the magnetic moment ofanioninasuperconduc-
tor can interact with the superconducting electrons
in two ways: via the Zeeman interaction of H or the
exchange field generated by with the spin s of a