9.7 Cosmological nucleosynthesis 429
be formed until
H is formed, it follows that nucleosynthesis cannot start
until kT ∼ 70 keV.
The end of nucleosynthesis so soon after its start is due to two effects.
The first is the absence of stable or metastable elements with A =5or
A = 8 which makes it impossible to form anything from the two primary
He and
H. The second is the increasing efficiency of the Coulomb
barrier between charged nuclei which strongly suppresses the cross-sections
for kT < 60 keV. Nuclear reactions therefore freeze-out at a temperature of
kT ∼ 30 keV with a non-equilibrium relic abundance of nuclei characterized
by the complete lack of heavy nuclei.
As we have already mentioned, one of the great interests of the theory of
primordial nucleosynthesis is that a comparison with observations permits us
to estimate η. The predicted abundances as a function of η are shown in Fig.
9.11. The abundance of
He, the primary product of primordial nucleosyn-
thesis, is an increasing function of η. The abundances of the loosely bound
intermediate nuclei
He are decreasing functions of η. The reason for
this behavior is quite simple. Nucleosynthesis can proceed only if the reac-
tion rates between nuclei are greater than the expansion rate. The nuclear
reaction rates are proportional to densities of initial state nuclei, which are
themselves proportional to the total baryon density. For the first reaction
(9.93), it is easy to show (Exercise 9.3) that its rate per neutron is smaller
than the expansion rate for η<10
implying that there is essentially no
nucleosynthesis for η<10
, nucleosynthesis proceeds with
an efficiency that increases with η. More precisely, the temperature of the
nuclear freeze-out is a decreasing function of η. The later the freeze-out, the
more efficient the destruction of the intermediate nuclei and the production
We see in Fig. 9.11 that for η ∼ 5 × 10
the abundance of
He is
rather insensitive to η.Thisissimplybecausethegreatmajorityofthe
available neutrons are incorporated into this nucleus. On the other hand, the
abundance of
H is very dependent on η, so a reliable measurement of the
primordial abundance of
H would yield a robust measurement of η.
It is in principle simple to measure the quantity of
H in intergalac-
gen of photons from background objects. The brightest background objects
are quasars, believed to be massive black holes radiating photons as matter
falls into them. Figure 9.12 shows the spectrum of a high-redshift quasar. The
spectrum exhibits a prominent “Lyman-α” emission line corresponding to the
n =2→ n = 1 states of atomic hydrogen, caused by fluorescence of material
surrounding the black hole. The line is at λ = 121 nm but in the spectrum
it is redshifted to 580 nm. Blueward of the quasar’s Lyman-α emission, we
see the forest of lines corresponding to Ly-α absorption in individual clouds
along the line-of-sight. The formation of these absorption lines is illustrated
in Fig. 9.13.