9.2 The expansion of the Universe 409
This behavior is confirmed by an analysis using general relativity.
Since the density of relativistic matter (9.40) is proportional to a
that of non-relativistic matter (9.39) is proportional to a
, relativistic mat-
ter must come to dominate for a → 0. Equating the two energy densities we
find the moment when the photon and matter densities are equal occurred
when the scale parameter took the value
∼ 2 × 10
, (9.42)
corresponding to a temperature of
∼ 1eV . (9.43)
For temperatures higher than this, radiation dominates the energy of the
Since the matter density falls like a
, the future Universe will be increas-
ingly dominated by the constant vacuum energy (if it is truly constant).
We see that the Universe passes through a succession of epochs when
the energy density is dominated by radiation, by non-relativistic matter, and
then by vacuum energy. The energy densities as a function of temperature
are shown in Fig. 9.3.
In Table 9.2, we list some formative events in the history of the Uni-
verse according to this scenario. Non-controversial physics allows us to follow
with confidence the succession of events starting at, say, T ∼ 1GeV when
the Universe was a nearly homogeneous soup of quarks, gluons, and lep-
tons. With time, the Universe cooled and a succession of bound states were
formed, hadrons, nuclei, atoms, and finally the gravitationally bound stars
and galaxies. The moments of the formation of bound states are called “re-
combinations.” The recombination that resulted in the formation of atoms
caused the Universe to become effectively transparent to photons.
We should add that the nature of the radiation changed with temperature.
Today, the radiation consists of photons and, perhaps, relativistic neutrinos.
At temperatures T>m
, electron–positron pairs could be produced and we
will show in Sec. 9.6 that these pairs were in thermal equilibrium with the
photons and formed a blackbody spectrum similar to that of the photons
and neutrinos. Going back in time, each time the temperature rose above
a particle-antiparticle threshold, a new blackbody component was created.
During this period, the numbers of particles and antiparticles were nearly
equal. The small number of electrons and baryons present today resulted
from the small excess (∼ 10
) of particles over antiparticles present when
T m
Finally, we note that the two earliest epochs in Table 9.2, those of baryo-
genesis and inflation, are speculative and involve physics that is not well-
understood. The existence of these epochs is postulated to solve certain
mysteries in the standard scenario, e.g. the existence of the small particle-