418 9. Nuclear Cosmology
These reactions established chemical equilibrium between protons and neu-
trons (4.35):
− m
kT > 1MeV . (9.69)
This determines the number of neutrons available for nucleosynthesis.
The minimal requirement for the establishment of thermal equilibrium is
that the reaction rate per particle be greater than the expansion rate:
⇒ thermal equilibrium . (9.70)
The expansion rate is the relevant parameter because its inverse, the Hubble
time t
, gives the characteristic time for temperature and density changes
due to the universal expansion. Collisions can therefore perform the necessary
readjustments of momentum and chemical distributions only if each particle
reacts at least once per Hubble time.
Because of the expansion, the collision epoch was bound to end when the
reaction rate became less than the expansion rate, λ ˙a/a.Whathappens
to the thermal distributions once the collisions cease depends on the type of
equilibrium. For purely kinetic equilibrium, i.e. the momentum spectrum of
particles, the thermal character of the spectrum may be maintained by the
expansion. This is the case for the CBR photons.
On the other hand, chemical thermal equilibrium is maintained only by
reactions and the equilibrium is lost once the reactions cease. At the present
low temperature, chemical equilibrium would imply that nucleons would tend
to be in their most bound states near
nuclear reactions necessary to reach this state ceased when the temperature
was much higher, kT ∼ 30 keV. Most nucleons were thus “stranded” in hydro-
gen and helium. We say that the nuclear reactions “froze” at a temperature
∼ 30, keV. The “freeze-out” left the Universe with a “relic” density of
hydrogen and helium nuclei that is far from the equilibrium density.
The nuclear freeze-out left the Universe with a reserve of free energy,
i.e. energy that can now be degraded by entropy producing (exothermic)
nuclear fusion reactions. In particular, hydrogen can be converted to helium
and helium to heavier elements once matter is gravitationally confined in
stars. Fusion reactions in stellar interiors transform mass into kinetic energy
of the reaction products which is then degraded to thermal energy including
a multitude of thermal photons. It is this increase in the number of photons
which is primarily responsible for the entropy increase.
After the photons escape from a star, entropy production can continue
if the photons are intercepted by a cold planetary surface. On Earth, solar
photons (T ∼ 6000 K) are multiplied into ∼ 20 thermal photons (T ∼ 300 K).
The accompanying entropy increase more than compensates for the entropy
decrease associated with the organization of life induced by photosynthesis.
Entropy is always approximately proportional to the number of particles.