446 B. Accelerators
to 10 MV can be produced in a Van de Graff accelerator, illustrated in Fig.
B.1. In this system, charge is transformed to the positive terminal by an
insulating belt. Ions are accelerated through an evacuated tube constructed
from alternating insulators and electrodes so as to maintain a constant gra-
dient. The maximum potential is limited by breakdown in the surrounding
gas. Currents in the mA range can be achieved.
Tandem Van de Graff Accelerators (Fig. B.2) modify the basic design to
provide higher energy and an ion source that is at ground potential, making
it more accessible. In this case, the source provides singly-charged negative
ions, e.g. O
containing an extra electron. These are accelerating to the
positive terminal where a “stripper” consisting of a thin foil or gas-containing
tubes removes electrons. The resulting positive ions are then accelerated to
ground potential where an analyzing magnet selects a particular value of
q/m. Obtainable currents are in the µA range, smaller than simple Van de
Graffs because of the difficulty in obtaining negative ions.
Fig. B.2. A schematic of a tandem Van de Graff accelerator. Negative ions are
accelerated to the positive potential where a “stripper” removes electrons. The
resulting positive ions are then accelerating to ground potential where a definite
charge state is selected by a magnetic field and slit.
The 10 MV limitation of DC machines can be avoided by using radio-
frequency (RF) electric fields. The frequency is typically ∼ 30 MHz. The sim-
plest configuration is the linear accelerator, or linac, illustrated in Fig. B.3.
The RF voltage is applied to alternating conducting “drift tubes” so that
charged particles are accelerating between tubes if they arrive at the gaps
at appropriate times. The tube lengths must thus decrease in length as the
particle velocity increases down the accelerator. Linacs produce a “bunched”
beam consisting of pulses of particles. The bunch structure is persists during
the acceleration because of the “phase stability” illustrated in Fig. B.4.