230 4. Nuclear decays and fundamental interactions
5. In addition to electric charge and baryon number, other additive quantum
numbers are conserved in strong interactions: strangeness s,charmc,
beauty b and top t. One therefore attributes a flavor to each quark. This
is an additive quantum number which is conserved in strong interactions
(an antiquark has the opposite flavor). The flavor of a hadron is the sum
of flavors of its constituent quarks.
6. The u and d quarks are called “usual ” quarks. They are the constituents
of the protons and neutrons and are therefore the only quarks present in
matter surrounding us. One can convince oneself that the conservation of
the u and d flavors amounts simply to the conservation of electric charge.
7. Quarks are confined in hadrons. The observable free (asymptotic) states
are baryons (3 quarks states) and mesons (quark–antiquark states). In
fact, the interaction that binds quarks corresponds to a potential which
increases linearly at large distances. If one attempts to extract a quark
from a hadron, it is necessary to provide an amount of energy which, at a
certain point, will be transformed into quark–antiquark pairs. These pairs
rearrange themselves with the initial quarks to materialize the energy in
the form of new hadrons. (In some sense, this phenomenon is similar to
what happens if one tries to separate the north and south poles of a
8. “Bare ” masses
of quarks are
7.5MeV ∼ m
4.2MeV m
150 MeV
1.5GeV m
4.2 GeV m
175 GeV.
Color . Among the excited states of the proton and neutron, a “resonance”
has been known since the 1950’s. it is called the ∆ of mass m = 1232 MeV
and spin-parity J
. It is an isospin quadruplet T =3/2, the ∆
the ∆
and the ∆
of similar masses (between 1230 and 1234 MeV).
In the quark model, the quark content of these particles is simple:
= |uuu, |∆
= |uud|∆
= |udd|∆
= |ddd .
But this is a catastrophe! In this construction, the Pauli principle is violated.
In fact, the states ∆ are spin excitations of the nucleons. They are the
ground states of three u or d quarks in the total spin state J
Unless a serious pathology occurs in the dynamics, the ground state of a three
particle system has a zero total orbital angular momentum, and, likewise, all
the relative two-body orbital angular momenta are zero. Therefore, the spatial
wavefunction of the three quarks is symmetric, and in order to ensure that
the spin of the three quark system be J
, the three spins must be
aligned, i.e. the total spin state must be symmetric.
Since quarks are permanently confined in hadrons, it is not possible to observe
the mass of a free quark. We use a terminology of solid-state physics which
corresponds to the fact that the particles are permanently interacting with their