Exercises for Chapter 4 241
With deep inelastic scattering, jets in e + e− collisions, the explanation
of the magnetic moments of hadrons, i.e. by studying the electromagnetic in-
teractions of quarks, these acquired a physical reality and their elementarity
was established: they are point-like particles. Then, using weak interactions,
one discovers a fascinating symmetry between quarks and leptons which is
suggestive of a possible underlying unification, which would be more gen-
eral and more profound, of the constituents of matter and their fundamental
interactions. It is one of the great hopes of present theoretical physics to con-
struct a complete and unified theory of all interactions including gravitation.
Superstring theory and the reduction of all corresponding theories to a single
unique “M-Theory ” is a very active field of research at present.
4.5 Bibliography
1. F. Halzen and A.D. Martin: Quarks and Leptons (Wiley, New York, 1984)
2. W. Greiner and B. M
ller:Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions (Springer,
Berlin, 2000)
3. U. Mosel: Fields, Symmetries, and Quarks (Springer, Berlin, 1999)
4. Q. Ho-Kim and X.-Y. Pham:Elementary Particles and Their Interactions
(Springer, Berlin, 1998)
5. Introduction to Elementary Particles, D. Griffiths, (Harper & Row, New
York, 1987).
4.1 Discuss the electron energy spectrum from the 2β-decay of
Mo shown
in Fig. 4.1. The average total energy taken by the 2 electrons in ∼ 1.2MeV.
How much energy on average is taken by the two neutrinos?
4.2 Charged particles lose energy in when traversing a material by ioniza-
tion. The minimum rate of energy loss (applicable to relativistic particles) is
∼ 2MeVg
. (Multiplying by the density of the medium gives the en-
ergy loss per unit distance in MeV cm
.) Consider the experiment shown in
Fig. 4.1. Estimate the energy loss by the decay electrons before leaving the
foil. Does this energy loss significantly affect the energy measurement by the
4.3 Discuss the decay scheme shown in Fig. 4.2. What factors determine the
branching ratios of β-decay to the ground and first excited states of
Estimate the internal conversion fraction for the decay of the 84 keV state by
using (4.61). Is the use of the formula justified?