Corresponding Conditionals 443
That is certainly universal, and it might be taken for an axiom. And in fact, as
we have seen, Galen did take it for an axiom—after all, it is the first common
notion of Euclid’s Elements.
The first part of the recipe for producing the syllogistic axiom for a given
syllogism is this: construct the conditional corresponding to the syllogism
and generalize it. So syllogistic axioms will not be conditional propositions,
in the strict sense of that phrase; but they will be derived from conditional
propositions and will have a conditional connection at their core. The
For any triad of items, if two are each equal to the third, then they are
equal to one another
is not conditional; for it does not have the form
If … , then …
But it is a universalized conditional—and it may be remarked that ancient
logicians sometimes did classify such items as conditionals.
However that may be, the first part of the recipe will sometimes be enough
to produce the appropriate axiom. But it will not always produce an axiom:
it will produce one only when the syllogism on which it operates is valid
in virtue of a primary form. If the form is derived, or proved, then the
proposition produced by the recipe will be a theorem and not an axiom. So
the recipe needs an optional second part, which goes like this: if the syllogism
is not primary but derived, then its supporting axiom (or its supporting
axioms) is (or are) to be found by first proving it and then applying the recipe
to the items on which the proof depends.
In that way, I suppose, an axiom, or a group of axioms, can be found for
each syllogism. For a universal truth can always be found; and a universal
truth which corresponds in the way I have outlined to a primary syllogism will
be an axiom. And if the recipe fails to work, or sometimes fails to work, then
I cannot see any other general way of generating syllogistic axioms. If Galen
thought that he had a way of showing that all syllogisms are underwritten by
axioms, then he must have followed, at least approximately and for some of
There is rather more which could and should be said about the recipe.
In addition, something needs to be added to cater for those cases in which,
according to Galen, the work of a syllogistic axiom is done by an item of a
different sort. (Perhaps in such cases the recipe will in fact come up with an
item which might be counted a definition?) Again, it would be worth asking