Some Off-beat Connectors 195
The grammarian who was talking was present
has the same force as
The grammarian was present and was talking.
And the nomenclature of the parts of sayings is similar—‘to be dependent’ and ‘to
be connected’ are not far from synonyms.
(synt i 144 [117.12–118.8])⁴⁸
A subordinative article, in Apollonius’ view, is not a connector—but it
I might mention here a few off-beat non-connectors—I mean, items which
the grammarians did not classify as connectors even though they apparently
ought to have done. For example, of the word ‘ἵνα’ Apollonius says that
this particle has three varieties, two of them connective and one of them—the
one which indicates place—adverbial. When it is connective, it changes the verbs
constructed with it into the so-called subordinative inflection (just as the dubitative
‘ἐάν’ does) … but adverbially it retains the indicative inflection.
(conj 243.11–16)⁴⁹
Something similar is said of ‘ὅπως’(conj 243.26–30), and of the archaic
‘ὄφρα’ (244.6–8); and Apollonius held the same view about ‘ἐπεί’(synt iv
61 [483.3–9]). So too the Latins took ‘ut’ to be a connector in some of its
uses and an adverb in others (e.g. Diomedes, ars gramm i 408.10–24); and
Priscian, having classified ‘quando’ as an adverb, takes pains to add that ‘it is
indeed also found as a causal connector’ (inst xv vi 38 [iii 88.26–27]).⁵⁰
The words in question are all ambiguous: in certain of their senses, they are
connectors; but when they mean ‘when’ or ‘where’ they are not connectors
but adverbs. Yet surely ‘when’ and ‘where’ satisfy the improved definition of
connectors? And in any case, is it not perverse to deny that in, say,
⁴⁸ ὡς ἔφαμεν, τὸ ὑποτακτικὸν ἄρθρον ἐπὶ ῥῆμα ἴδιον φέρεται, συνδεδεμένον διὰ τῆς
ἀναφορᾶς τῷ προκειμένῳ ὀνόματι, καὶ ἐντεῦθεν ἁπλοῦν λόγον οὐ παριστάνει κατὰ τὴν
τῶν δύο ῥημάτων σύνταξιν, λέγω τὴν ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι καὶ τὴν ἐν αὐτῷ τῷ ἄρθρῳ. ὅπερ
πάλιν παρείπετο τῷ καί συνδέσμῳ· κοινὸν μὲν παρελάμβανεν τὸ ὄνομα τὸ προκείμενον,
συμπλέκων δὲ ἕτερον λόγον πάντως καὶ ἕτερον ῥῆμα παρελάμβανεν. καὶ οὕτω τὸ παρεγένετο
ὁ γραμματικὸς ὃς διελέξατο δυνάμει τὸ αὐτὸ ἀποτελεῖ τῷ ὁ γραμματικὸς παρεγένετο καὶ
διελέξατο, ἐγγιζούσης καὶ τῆς ὀνομασίας τῶν μορίων· τὸ γὰρ συνηρτῆσθαι καὶ συνδεδέσθαι
οὐ μακρὰν τῆς συνωνυμίας πέπτωκεν.
⁴⁹ διαφορὰς ἔχει τὸ μόριον τρεῖς, συνδεσμικὰς μὲν δύο καὶ ἐπιρρηματικὴν μίαν, τόπου
δηλωτικήν. συνδεσμικὸν μὲν οὖν καθεστηκὸς τὰ συντασσόμενα ῥήματα μετατίθησιν εἰς τὰ
καλούμενα ὑποτακτικά, καθότι καὶ ὁ ἐάν ἐπιζευκτικός ...· ἐπιρρηματικῶς δὲ φυλάσσει τὴν
ὁριστικὴν κλίσιν ....
⁵⁰ quando autem etiam et pro coniunctione causali invenitur.