Problems 597
A.16. Solve the problem of Figure A.13, using two elements with two terminal nodes
and one internal node at the mid-point.
Find the displacement predicted at the mid-point and compare it with the exact
value 5w
If you are familiar with matrix operations and have access to Maple, MathCad,
Mathematica or Matlab etc., re-solve the problem with 4,6,8 elements, etc and plot
the percentage error in the predicted central displacement as a function of the number
of elements used.
How many elements are needed to achieve 0.1% accuracy?
A.17. The beam of Figure PA.17 has flexural rigidity EI, is built in at both ends
z = 0, L, and is subjected to a uniformly distributed load w
per unit length.
Estimate the central displacement, using two elements of length L/2.
w per unit length
Figure PA.17
A.18*. A beam of length 2L is simply supported at the ends and at the mid-point. It
is subjected to a uniformly distributed load w
per unit length. Estimate the reaction
at the central support, using a discretization with two equal elements, each of length
A.19. Use the Rayleigh-Ritz method to obtain an approximate solution for the de-
flection of a beam of flexural rigidity EI and length L, simply supported at its ends
and subjected to a uniformly distributed load w
per unit length. Use a one degree of
freedom quadratic approximation to the deformed shape.
Verify that the predicted displacement is identical to that obtained in equation