The Finite Element Method
Most of this book has been concerned with exact analytical methods for solving
problems in mechanics of materials. Real engineering applications seldom involve
geometries or loading conditions exactly equivalent to those analyzed, so the use of
these methods usually involves some approximation. Nonetheless, the advantages to
design offered by a general (symbolic) analytical solution makes them very useful
for estimation, even when the idealization involved is somewhat forced.
Numerical methods are appropriate when no plausible idealization of the real
problem can be analyzed, or when we require results of greater accuracy than the
idealization is expected to produce. By far the most versatile and widely used numer-
ical method is the finite element method and every engineer arguably needs to have
at least some acquaintance with it to be considered ‘scientifically literate’. There is
no room in a book of this length to develop the method to the level where the reader
could either write his/her own finite element code or use a commercial code. Fortu-
nately, most commercial codes are these days sufficiently user-friendly that one can
learn to use them with minimal introduction from the manual, supplemented by the
program help menu. All we seek to do here is to explain the fundamental reasoning
underlying the method, introduce some of the terminology, and generally to remove
the ‘mystique’ that can be a barrier to those not familiar with the method.
In the finite element method, the body under consideration is divided into a num-
ber of small elements of simple shape, within each of which the stress and displace-
ment fields are represented by simple approximations, usually low order polynomial
functions of position. For example, in the simplest case, the stress in each element
will be taken as uniform.
Historically, the method was first developed as an extension of the ‘stiffness ma-
trix method’ of structural analysis, discussed in §3.9. Each element is treated as a
simple structural component, whose elastic stiffness matrix can be determined by
elementary methods. The problem is thereby reduced to the loading of a set of inter-
connected elastic elements. The global stiffness matrix for the problem is assembled
from that for the individual elements as discussed in §3.9.2.
Early researchers used more or less ad hoc methods for determining the element
stiffness matrices, but the finite element method was placed on a more rigorous foot-
J.R. Barber, Intermediate Mechanics of Materials, Solid Mechanics and Its Applications 175,
2nd ed., DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0295-0, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011