590 A The Finite Element Method
A.6.1 Da ta storage considerations
When the system being analyzed is very complex, the amount of numerical data to be
transmitted and stored is very large and this in itself requires special consideration.
For example, the stiffness matrix contains a large number of components, but most of
these components are zeros and considerable savings can be achieved by identifying
the bandwidth of the matrix and storing only the non-zero values. We can also take
advantage of the symmetry of the matrix (K
= K
i j
) to store only half of the off-
diagonal components.
In the solution procedure for banded matrices used in Example A.6, only a few
components of the stiffness matrix are needed at each stage and this permits some
added efficiency in data handling. Even more efficiency is obtained by only assem-
bling parts of the stiffness matrix as they are needed in the solution procedure. In
this way, only a small part of the large stiffness matrix is stored in the computer at
any given stage. The resulting algorithm is known as a front solver
and it makes it
possible to solve problems involving millions of degrees of freedom.
A.7 Use of the finite element method in design
The finite element method is typically used at a later stage in the design process when
the basic geometry of the system is largely finalized and we need to establish more
accurate values for the stresses and displacements.
It is extremely widely used in
industry and the chances are very high that you will be called upon to use it at some
time in your career as an engineer. However, commercial finite element codes are
very flexible and user friendly and they cover the vast majority of design needs. It is
therefore almost never necessary to write a program yourself. The primary purpose of
this appendix is to explain to the reader in a simple context some of the fundamental
processes involved in these codes and to introduce some of the terminology used.
The manuals and other supporting materials for the best known codes contain nu-
merous examples and it is often possible to modify one of these to cover the problem
under consideration, merely by redefining the number of nodes and their location.
The best advice here is to start formulating the problem after the bare minimum of
introductory reading, since the output from the program will often teach you how
to correct errors or improve the model. Make sure you can reproduce the example
solution on your computer system before you make the modifications.
The error messages you will get in early attempts can be obscure and frustrating.
If you know someone in the company who has used the code before, their advice
B.M. Irons (1970), A frontal solution program for finite element analyses, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.2, pp.5–32.
It is rather paradoxical that we use an avowedly approximate method when we want more
accuracy. The reason of course is that by using a finer discretization, the accuracy of the fi-
nite element method can be improved as much as we need. By contrast, the ‘exact’ methods
discussed elsewhere in this book make an implicit approximation at the beginning when the
component is idealized, for example as a beam or a shell.