a strangely beautiful interior
in these observable quantities, not unobservable mechanical ‘orbits’ con-
forming to arbitrary quantum rules.
On Hain Mountain, Bohr had spoken of the challenges they faced.
‘These models,’ he had said, ‘have been deduced, or if you prefer guessed,
from experiments, not from theoretical calculations. I hope that they
describe the structure of atoms as well, but only as well, as is possible in
the descriptive language of classical physics. We must be clear that, when
it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too,
is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images
and establishing mental connections.’
Heisenberg decided it was now time for a new language.
He returned once more to Göttingen in April 1925. Towards the end of
May he succumbed to a severe bout of hay fever, and asked Born for 14
days’ leave of absence to recuperate. On 7 June he arrived on the small
island of Helgoland, just off the north coast of Germany, hoping that the
clear North Sea air would facilitate a speedy recovery. His face was so
badly swollen that the landlady of the boarding house where he stayed
was convinced he had been in a fi ght.
Free from distractions, he now made swift progress. He had been
working on an approach to atomic theory in which the parameters of
an unobservable interior mechanics were replaced by terms correspond-
ing to atomic events that could be observed—the jumps or transitions
between orbits which were manifested as spectral lines. He had con-
structed a rather abstract model consisting of an infi nite series (called a
Fourier series) of harmonic oscillators, each characterized by an ampli-
tude and a frequency.
He had identifi ed each oscillator—each term in
the Fourier series—with a quantum jump from some stable orbit charac-
terized by a quantum number n to an orbit characterized by a quantum
number m. The result was an infi nite table of symbols or terms in the
Fourier series, organized into columns and rows, each term representing
a quantum transition from some initial to some fi nal state.
He now assumed that he could calculate the intensities of the resulting
spectral lines as the squares of the amplitudes of the terms that appeared
More familiar examples of harmonic oscillators include a swinging pendulum and a ball
moving up and down in regular motion attached to a spring.