the self-rotating electron
British journal Philosophical Magazine, he had set out a scheme describing
the relationship between the quantum numbers and the idea of electron
‘shells’, surrounding the nucleus and imagined to nest one inside the
other like a Russian matryoshka doll. The energy of each shell is deter-
mined by the principal quantum number, n. The number of possible
states or ‘orbits’ within each shell is then determined by the values that
the quantum numbers k and m can take for a given value of n.
The rules dictated that k must be an integral number greater than zero
and less than or equal to n,
and m could take a total of 2k − 1 values over
the range −(k − 1), −(k − 2), … 0, …, (k − 2), (k − 1). So, for n = 1, the only
values of k and m that are possible are k = 1 and m = 0. This implies a single
state, or orbit. For n = 2, the rules imply four different orbits, for n = 3 the
number of orbits is nine. This implies that the number of possible orbits
increases as n
But the pattern refl ected in the periodic table of the elements tells a
slightly different story. German physicist Walther Kossel had earlier
argued that the striking stability and inertness of the noble gases (such
as helium, neon, argon, krypton) could be understood in terms of Bohr’s
atomic theory if these atoms were assumed to have fi lled, or ‘closed’,
shells. The periodic table could then be understood as a progression of
occupancy of the electron shells, forming a pattern in which fi rst two
(hydrogen, helium), then eight (lithium through to neon), then another
eight (sodium to argon), then eighteen electrons (potassium to krypton)
are added in sequence until each successive shell is fi lled, or closed.
Stoner had gone one step further in his prescription. Instead of assign-
ing a single electron to each orbit he had chosen to assign two: ‘In the
classifi cation adopted, the remarkable feature emerges that the number
of electrons in each completed level is equal to double the sum of the
inner quantum numbers as assigned…’. In n
orbits, Stoner suggested,
there should be 2n
electrons. For n = 1 there is only one orbit, implying
occupancy up to a total of two electrons, for n = 2 there are four orbits,
The restriction that k must be greater than zero was impossible to prove in the old quantum
theory. In modern atomic physics, k has been replaced by the orbital angular momentum (or
azimuthal) quantum number l, which takes values l = 0, 1, 2, …, n. Consequently, the magnetic
quantum number m takes the values −l, …, 0, …, l.