a little bit of reality
Balmer’s formula was generalized in 1888 by Swedish physicist
Johannes Rydberg. He found that other spectral series follow a similar
relation, with the value of m taking different integer values. In themselves
the Balmer and Rydberg formulas were purely empirical and their origin
in terms of the underlying physics of the atom was quite obscure. Bohr,
however, immediately understood where the integer numbers had come
He realized that an electron moving from an outer, high-energy orbit
to a lower-energy inner orbit causes the release of energy as emitted
radiation. If, as he had hypothesized, the orbits are fi xed, with energies
that depend on integer numbers that can be counted outwards from the
nucleus in a linear sequence, then the energy differences between the
orbits are also therefore fi xed.
For example, in the case where an electron circling the nucleus in
orbits characterized by the integer numbers n = 3, 4, 5, . . . drops down
into a lower-energy orbit characterized by m = 2 the result is the series
of emission lines studied by Balmer, which had become known as the
Balmer series. Putting m = 3 and n = 4, 5, 6, . . . gives another series that
had been observed in 1908 by German physicist Friedrich Paschen. Bohr
predicted the existence of a further series in the ultraviolet with m = 1,
and series in the infrared characterized by m = 4 and 5.
Bohr was further able to show that the constant of proportionality that
appeared in Rydberg’s formula (known as the Rydberg constant) can be
calculated directly by combining a number of fundamental physical con-
stants, including Planck’s constant, the electron charge, and the electron
mass. The Rydberg constant was well known at the time from spectro-
scopic measurements. Bohr’s calculation was within six per cent of the
experimental value, a margin well within the experimental uncertainty
of the values he had used for the fundamental constants.
A further series of emission lines named for American astronomer
and physicist Edward Charles Pickering was thought by experimental-
ists also to belong to the hydrogen atom. However, at the time, the Pick-
ering series was characterized by half-integer numbers which are not
admissible in Bohr’s theory. Instead, Bohr proposed that the formula
be rewritten in terms of integer numbers, suggesting that the Pickering
series belongs not to hydrogen atoms but to ionized helium atoms. An