Vardziya. This is the cave city in the rock, where were marani, kvevri and stone wine-presses (satsnakheli).
Extensive terraces with the fundamental rock walls were preserved to the present. Ksani gorge, southern
slopes of Mukhrani valley, Akhalgori, Tskhinvali, and many other blocks have unique conditions for the
cultivation of grapes.
In the Tbilisi, Gori, Kaspi, Khashuri wine-growing regions and partially in the South-Ossetian
autonomous region- blocks, located on the gorges rr. In Ksani, Aragvi, Tana, Lekhuri, Liakhvi and others
basically are cultivated local white types of grape rods, giving light white table wines. In given regions there
are types of Aligote, Chinuri, Goruli green and black Pino from which there are prepared the wine materials
for the production of champagne.
In Steni gorge (Gori region) from the type Chonuri according to the local technology is prepared the
sparkling wine Atenuri.
In Akhalgori and Aspindza (Meskhetia) regions are cultivated grape types of Goruli Mtsvane,
Khikhvi, Shavkapito and Aligote, they give soft, light wine-materials for shampagne and table wines, also
cognac wine-materials. In Marneuli and Bolnisi regions from types of Rkatsiteli, Saperavi, Shasla, white
Muskat and Aligote are prepared ordinar table wines.
Racha-Lechkhumi – is the oldest and very perspective region for grape growing and wine production
in Georgia. Situated on north of Imereti on river bank of Rioni and Tskhenistskali, this territory itself is the
kettle, from all sides bordered by mountain ridge. Cilate is middle – moist.
The sufficient amount of warmth and atmospheric precipitation (average norm – 1000-1200 mm)
provides wines with very high sugar consistence (30%). Local wine types and the different ways of their
production show the old traditions of wine-making in this region.
From the types of Aleksandrouli, Tsolikouri, Tsulukidze, Tetra, Usakhelouri, Odjaleshi, Mudjureuli,
Orbeluri and others are prepared high-prised check red and white naturally demi-douz and table dry wines.
Racha-Lechkhumi wines belong to the most quality wines of western region of Georgia. These dry
table and sparkling, important thing, highquality semi-doux wines: Usakhelouri, Tvishi, Khvanchkara.
Regions of West Georgia
Imereti occupies the eastern past of West Georgia in ponds and gorges of rivers Rioni, Kvirila. Be the
one of the main regions of wine-growing and wine-making, area is characterized by the variety of raw
materials resources. In Imereti are made the wines of european and imeretian types, cognac wine-materials,
also 80% of sparkling wines produced in Georgia. Great tradational table wines, harmonious, delicate,
aromatic, pleasant taste are received from grape type of Tsitska. This same type is the mian wine-material for
the sparkling wines of this zone.