From the data of table. 1.3 it is evident that with endurance of fermented winemaking materials on the
pulp occur the changes in the content of simple phenols, phenol acids and it is catechuic. The result of these
and a whole series of other transformations of organic matter of grapes is the formation of the specific
organoleptic indices of the Kakhetian wines.
Earlier we have established that, during ripening of winemaking materials without the contact with the
pulp under the anaerobic conditions of 16- ton cisterns, the content of tannin in them practically does not
change and remains at the level 2,7 - 2,8 g/l (8). However, in the experiences of Durmishidze the wine
ripened with the access of atmospheric oxygen, therefore, as can be seen from fig. 10 (curves 1,2,3), a
reduction of the content of tannin to 10-15% occurs with endurance of winemaking materials during 3 of
months isolated from the pulp. The analysis of curves 1
, 2
, 3
in the same figure, reflecting the dynamics of
the tannin content in winemaking materials with their endurance on the pulp, convinces the fact that the solid
parts of the pulp intensifies the processes of the oxidizing polymerization of tannins and their settling down.
Physico-chemical transformations of phenol connections described above can be also explained, and
from the positions of the theory of auto-oxidizing transformations of the organic compounds of Bach-
Unlike of the oxidation with the help of the chemical reagents, the oxidation of organic matter by
atmospheric oxygen is accepted to call autooxidation. When there is no doubt about the fact that the we talk
about the oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, for the brevity, usually is said the oxidation.
At the basis of contemporary concepts about the mechanism of reactions of organic matter’s oxidation
lie the peroxide theory of Bach- Engler and the theory of the convergent-divergent chain reactions of
Semionov. In accordance with the peroxide theory, the initial materials of oxidation appear peroxides, which
with further development of process are converted into the stable products. With the formation of peroxides
two atoms of the oxygen molecule still remain connected together. Consequently, in the molecule of oxygen
it does not occur complete bond breaking between the atoms, which would require high expenditure of
energy 118 kcal/mole). Therefore the oxidation of the organic matter through the formation of peroxide
flows comparatively easily.
Many researchers showed that at least at the first stages of oxidation all resultant peroxide products are
hydrogen peroxides. Hydrogen peroxides are comparatively unstable compounds, which easily undergo
different transformations, which lead to the break of 0-0- connection and the formation of free radicals.
Breack energy of connection in peroxides is considerably lower than in the molecule of oxygen and is 30-40
At chain mechanism the molecular product of reaction (hydrogen peroxide ) is formed as a result of
reaction of free radicals with oxygen or carbon respectively. The chain of oxidizing transformations is
developed until chain leading free radicals disappear from the system as a result of their interaction. In this
case inactive connection is obtained, and chain breaks itself. The earlier this will occur, the less molecules of
substance will have time to be oxidized. Hydrogen peroxide accumulated in the oxidation process slowly is