From the moment of the beginning of process of the alcoholic fermentation an increase of exstract
content of must positively affects the organoleptic indices of obtained winemaking materials and wines. The
highest degustation evaluation obtained the winemaking materials, fermented on the pulp during the first 7-
10 days. The content of the given extract in these wines varies in the limits of 25-27 g/l. Further
continuation of the persistence of must on the pulp negatively impacts on the quality of obtained winemaking
materials ( fig. 1. 14)
Mineral Substances are localized in the solid parts of the pulp - seeds, the skin and the pulp of grapes.
In the must and the wine they are found in the form free ions or enter into the composition of complex
compounds, playing the significant role in the processes, which take place with the fermentation of must and
subsequent endurance of winemaking materials.
The total quantity of mineral substances is evaluated according to a quantity of ashes, which is
remained after the combustion of the sample of the analyzed wine. To account the total quantity of cations,
connected with the organic acids, is determined the alkalinity of ashes, i.e., the quantity of alkali, which
proceeds with the neutralization of the resultant during the mineralization acids, which connect metals. The
content of anions is determined on the difference between the weight of ashes and its alkalinity.
On fig. 1.16 are shown the curves of the dynamics of the ash contents and its alkalinity in winemaking
materials, obtained from the different types of grapes - Cabernets-Sauvignon and Saperavi, grown in one and
the same microzone of Kakheti - Teliani. The analysis of obtained indices makes it possible to conclude that
the curves of the mineral substances’ accumulation in winemaking materials during the must alcoholic
fermentation on the pulp do not depend on the type of the processed raw material and take the same form. In
particular, from the very beginning the process of alcoholic fermentation ash contents increases, reaching its
maximum value for 8-10
day and then it begins their natural decrease in the straying must. i.e. already at
the stage of alcoholic fermentation winemaking materials are saturated by mineral substances because of
reduction of the solvent ability of the must as a result of its enrichment by passed from the solid parts of the
grapes organic substances, and also in view of increase in the alcohol content of the medium.
Accumulation of mineral substances in winemaking materials is the especially physical process of the
extraction of inorganic substances from the solid parts of the grapes by the straying must, which washes the
surface of skin, pulp and the seeds of grapes. Despite the fact that this process has nothing common with the
oxidation processes, polymerization and condensation of organic matter of grapes, the curves, which
describe the process of the accumulation of mineral substances in winemaking materials, take the same form,
which above was shown for the description of the tannin accumulation process in winemaking materials,
anthocyan and other substances of the organic complex of the grapes. This fact makes it possible to conclude
that the accumulation in winemaking material of both organic and inorganic matter in essence occurs due to
the physical process of their extraction from the solid parts of the straying pulp and obeys to the law of the
extraction process of substances from solid body into the liquid. The basic parameters, which influence the
given process, are temperature of extractions, with high values of which (thermo-winification) the
destruction of the cells of plant tissue, mechanical agitation of the straying medium, etc, simultaneously