Semiconductor properties
In a two-probe resistance measurement technique, current is
measured as a function of voltage and the resistance is calculated
according to Ohm’s law. The resistance will include a contribution
from the probes and the probe contact resistance. A four-point-
probe method (FIGURE 2.13) is a means of eliminating the
extraneous sources of resistance by using two extra probes to
measure the voltage across a section of the current path and calcu-
lating its resistance across a known distance using a known current,
forced by the first two probes. The term “four point probe” is used
to describe an instrument that carries out such measurements in a
calibrated way. Such an instrument typically uses a spring loaded
mechanism that pushes small diameter metal probes against the
sample and is calibrated for the spacings in the probe (usually
changeable for different resistivity ranges and materials). Four
point probes are widely used for quick measurements of thin metal
films but also on occasion for GaAs wafers if an appropriate probe
is attached (with finer tips for better contact). The four point probes
can also be used to map wafers; this is widely done in Si manufac-
turing. However, because of the possibility of chipping the wafer
with the probe, contactless resistivity measurements are preferred
for GaAs.
FIGURE 2.13 Illustration of the
four-point-probe method. The two
outer probes are used to force a
current, I. The resistance is
calculated from I and the voltage
measured across the two inner
Contactless resistivity usually refers to a measurement method
based on eddy currents. A sample is placed between two sets of
coils. Each coil is embedded within a ferrite material. A current
in the upper coil will induce a current in the lower coil. When
a conductive sample is placed between the coils, the Q (quality
factor) of the circuit is changed and with it, the induced current
in the lower coil. By using samples of known conductivity, the
instrument can be calibrated to measure arbitrary samples. The
measurement is quick and can be instrumented to step across a
wafer and generate wafer maps of resistance. Such instruments are
popular for mapping the resistivity of epitaxial or ion implanted
layers created on semi-insulating substrates.
Carrier mobility measurements are important to growth and pro-
cess engineers as a measure of the quality of the semiconductor.
Mobility can be of two types, drift (mediated by an electric field)
or Hall (mediated by a magnetic field). Although the former more
directly relates to operation in GaAs devices, the two are often not
very different and Hall mobility measurements are more quickly
carried out. In addition, both methods can assess material quality.
Mobility is reduced by physical factors, including temperature.
More importantly, from a material quality perspective, impurities
reduce mobility. For a more complete description of the differences
between the two techniques, see [1].
Capacitance-voltage (C-V) profiling can provide a wealth of
information. It is most well known for assessing the quality of the