ligand a chemical entity bonded to a metal or
coordinated to a metal ion in a metal complex ; a
hydrocarbon entity such as a methyl group
) bonded to a transition metal such as Ga
for MOCVD source materials
liftoff the removal of thin films deposited over
photoresist by dissolving the resist in a solvent
lithography a tool such as photolithography or electron-beam
lithography that prints patterns on
semiconductor and other substrates
variation in reaction rates (and etch depths) due to
variation in reactant supply across a wafer due to
surfaces with different reactivities, e.g., resist
versus semiconductor, semiconductor versus
loadlock a separately pumped chamber used to introduce
samples into another vacuum chamber without
having to vent it; it serves to prevent water and
oxygen from contaminating the process chamber
mass spectro-
an instrument that determines the mass of a
gaseous entity in a high-vacuum environment
MBE molecular beam epitaxy
an instrument that uses mercury droplets as
temporary electrical contacts to measure the
capacitance-voltage response of a
mesa a flat topped structure with steep sides formed
by etching semiconductor away from the edges
of the structure, usually to isolate active regions
MESFET metal-semiconductor field effect transistor
MHEMT metamorphic HEMT, a HEMT structure (thick
enough to relax) such as InAlAs/InGaAs on
GaAs that is grown on a substrate with a
different lattice constant than the active layers
micromasking surface contaminants serve as masks and locally
retard etching; examples include PR residue,
sputtered metal, and non-uniform surface
MIS metal-insulator-semiconductor
a dislocation that results when the crystal lattice
constants of two epitaxially grown materials do
not match, i.e., display a misfit
mobility a measure of how an electron (hole) responds to
an electric field