Semiconductor properties
where n
is the intrinsic (meaning for a pure semiconductor) carrier
concentration, N
is the density of states of the valence band, N
the density of states of the conduction band, E
is the bandgap,
k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature.
The density of states is calculated by theoreticians and reasonable
estimates are available. For Si, n
is about 10
and for GaAs,
is about 10
at room temperature. Although these numbers
seem large, in terms of current they are actually quite small due
to the unit of charge of an electron (1.6 × 10
C) in relation
to an ampere (coulomb/s). It is seen that pure semiconductors
with bandgaps greater than 1 eV are excellent insulators at room
temperature, but that their conductivity will rise exponentially with
temperature. At 300
C, for example, n
rises to about 10
for Si and 10
for GaAs.
Si Si Si
Si Si Si
Si Si Si
Si Si Si
Si Si Si
FIGURE 2.5 Impurity doping in
Si. The donor electron of P is free
to move about the crystal, while the
P remains with a fixed positive
Pure semiconductors can be manipulated by adding atomic
impurities to change their electron concentrations. First one con-
siders a pure silicon crystal with four-fold bonding symmetry (one
bond for each unpaired valence electron). Rather than the band
structure description of the bonding (which is accurate but hope-
lessly complicated for a brief discussion), simple chemical pictures
will be used. The ideal bonding configuration for four-fold sym-
metry is the tetrahedron, in which four points equally spaced on
a sphere represent the nucleus of the four atoms bonded to the
centre Si. Each bond comprises one valence electron from each
silicon atom. Next, consider the introduction of a P impurity. Phos-
phorus occupies a tetrahedral site in place of a Si atom. Instead
of four valence electrons it has five, so four of these are used in
chemical bonding and a fifth is left over and allows P to be an elec-
tron “donor” to the crystal. The lattice has an extra proton which
stays fixed at the P atom. The leftover electron is free to move over
the whole crystal, subject to relevant physical effects including the
(weak) attractive force from the fixed positive charge that is left
with the phosphorus. In the case of P and several other dopants,
the weak attractive force to the donor ion is easily overcome by
thermal energy and the electron freely conducts in response to an
electric field. This situation is illustrated in FIGURE 2.5, where for
convenience, the tetrahedral three-dimensional bonds are shown
as if in a single plane. If, instead of phosphorus, boron is used
to dope the silicon, only three valence electrons are added to the
crystal at the place where boron replaced a Si. One of the sil-
icon bonds will be missing a valence electron. In such a case the
valence band can participate in electron conduction. The unpaired
silicon bond can take an electron from its neighbour in response to
an electric field leaving a fixed negative charge with the boron and
a mobile positively charged “hole” in the neighbouring Si atom.
The electron “hopping” process can repeat itself leading to “hole”