Introduction to GaAs devices
final destination, it will go to a laser driver or modulator driver to be
converted back to light and sent on its way down the optical fibre.
Fibre-optic communications systems were first fielded in the
1980s for terrestrial long-haul and transoceanic communications.
They were then gradually adopted for many other applications
where high capacity or high bandwidth was required. InP-based
devices have long been used for the lasers and photodiodes. Until
recently, the highest bit rate optical communications systems used
GaAs devices for multiplexers, demultiplexers, transimpedance
amplifiers, clock and data recovery circuits, and laser (and mod-
ulator) drivers. Si ICs were used for other digital functions and
lower-bit-rate systems. However, SiGe bipolar and even CMOS
circuits are now readily available to build most of these circuits
even in the high-bit-rate systems and GaAs devices have been
relegated to a minor role in all but laser and modulator driver
circuits. The driver circuits appear likely to remain the domain of
GaAs-based or InP-based circuits in high-bit-rate systems because
they require higher operating voltages than are achievable with
CMOS or SiGe when clock rates are at 10 Gbit/s or above. Like-
wise, many other applications of high-speed digital logic circuits
were once the domain of GaAs technology (even up to 100 k gates
of logic). Now the speeds of Si technology have caught up with
GaAs. Future, higher speed applications may evolve towards InP
Military applications utilise a wide range of GaAs circuits at a
wide range of frequencies. These include radars, communications
systems, electronic warfare (EW) circuits and others. Because mil-
itary systems operate worldwide and on irregular assignments,
they do not deal with a well-defined spectrum allocation the
way commercial communications systems do. Therefore, milit-
ary systems design and build their radar systems around a broad
range of frequencies from below 1 GHz at the low end to low
mm-wave frequencies (near 30 GHz) at the high end. Radar and
EW applications have higher bandwidth requirements than wire-
less communications systems. They are also qualitatively different
since radars are an imaging technology. The wide-ranging frequen-
cies, high bandwidth requirements and challenging performance
specifications have led to widespread adoption of analogue and
microwave GaAs and InP-based technologies in preference to
Si devices. This trend is likely to remain for the foreseeable
Other applications of GaAs (or InP) devices include collision-
avoidance radar, other commercial radars, space solar cells,
radiation-hard electronics, space satellite uplinks and downlinks,
space communications systems, ultra-low-noise receivers and
certain niche communications components such as oscillators.