Anatomy is the science of the shape and structure
of organisms and their parts; dissection of dead
material is employed to provide information on the
gross structure. Early anatomists recognized that an
animal’s body is made up of different types of tis-
sue, and with the development of the light micro-
scope, histology – the science of tissues – became a
new field of study. The new science expanded fur-
ther when varieties of dyes able to stain dissected
material specifically were developed. It became evi-
dent that only four basic tissues are present: epithe-
lium, connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous
tissue. All the various parts of the body are derived
from these components, and the distinctive appear-
ance of gross anatomical structures depends on
which type of tissue is predominant. Each tissue is
an assemblage of cells and their derivatives. The bal-
ance of cells of different types and these derivatives,
and the combination of the different tissues give
each part of the body a definitive appearance that
can be identified microscopically.
Numerous microscopic techniques are available
for studying cells. The most common of these is the
examination of living or fixed dead cells (which can
be stained with various dyes) under the light micro-
scope. Fixed dead cells can be examined at much
higher resolution under the transmission electron
microscope, and three-dimensional contours of liv-
ing and dead cells can be revealed under the scan-
ning electron microscope.
Before the appearance of the various organs of
the body systems can be studied, the four basic tis-
sues must be understood, the embryonic origin iden-
tified, and the capacity for growth, regeneration and
repair assessed.
Veterinary science has changed significantly dur-
ing the past three decades. The diverse species
examined and cared for by veterinarians has
increased from traditional domestic animals bred
for food, fibre and human companionship to
include many ‘exotic’ animals, such as ornamental
fish, amphibians and reptiles. Therefore, the vari-
ety of tissues that are illustrated and described in
this text reflects the diversity of the animals that are
now the responsibility of the veterinary profession.
In order to make this text more pertinent within
the current clinical milieu, we have added clinical cor-
relates sections (discussed below) that will facilitate
comparing normal tissues with diseased tissues and
will help students appreciate why it is so important
to study histology. Historically, students have won-
dered why they must learn the myriad number of
names and be able to identify the specialized cells and
tissue types, but in order to recognize and understand
the often subtle changes in tissues that are induced by
disease, it is imperative to know what normal tissues
look like. Physiological details of some species and
the pathophysiology of various conditions are
included so that their influence on form and function
can be better comprehended. For example, consider
the osmoregulatory stresses imposed on teleost fish,
which spawn in hypo-osmotic fresh water and then
must migrate and grow to maturity in hyperosmotic
seawater, or the enormous and momentous anatom-
ical, metabolic and physiological changes that occur
during metamorphosis of amphibian larvae to their
adult stage.
It is beyond the scope of this text to cite every
abnormal condition known to occur in every organ,
in every tissue type and in every species likely to be
examined by a veterinary clinician. Rather, exam-
ples of those diseases most likely to be encountered
in general and specialized veterinary practices are
Origin of tissues
The fertilized egg is totipotential, so defined because
it gives rise to every cell in the body. The daughter
cells arising from the first divisions of this egg are
capable, if separated from one another, of becom-
ing new single individuals or identical twins, triplets
and quadruplets. If they remain together, however,
this totipotentiality is lost; the daughter cells in sub-
sequent divisions follow specific lines of develop-
ment (differentiation) and gain new attributes, but
lose potentiality and develop recognizable charac-
teristics (phenotype). One cell population does not
behave in this way, but is segregated in very early
embryonic life and retains totipotentiality; these are
the germ cells. They migrate to the developing
gonads and at puberty become the male and female
germ cells. Three basic germ layers, from which all
the cells and tissues of the body are derived (see
Appendix Table 1), develop in the early embryo at
gastrulation: ectoderm (outer layer), mesoderm
(middle layer) and endoderm (inner layer).