The examination and study of normal cells and tis-
sues by microscopy is called histology or microscopic
anatomy. The study of abnormal cells and tissues is
histopathology. An understanding of the normal is
essential for the recognition of the abnormal.
Investigative microscopes range from the simple light
microscope to the sophisticated high-resolution elec-
tron microscope. In between lie a wide variety of spe-
cialized microscopes to meet special needs, such as
phase contrast, polarizing and fluorescence micro-
scopes, and the scanning electron microscope.
Units of histological measurement
A micrometre (+m) is equal to a millionth part of
a metre and is the unit of measurement of the light
microscope; a red blood cell is approximately 8 µm
in diameter.
A nanometre (nm) is equal to a billionth part of
a metre. The thickness of the basal lamina of an
epithelial cell is 70 nm, which can be resolved using
the electron microscope.
Light microscopy
The light microscope is the instrument most com-
monly used for the visualization of cells and tissues.
With it magnifications of up to 2000 times are pos-
sible. The limit to the size of the structure that can
be distinguished with the light microscope is limited
by the physical nature of light. The wavelength of
visible light ranges from 0.4 to 0.7 µm. Therefore,
even with the best optical system available the res-
olution, or resolving power, of the light microscope
is limited to 0.2 µm, and anything smaller than that
will not be clearly distinguished.
In order to achieve the best results a few basic
preliminary checks must be made.
• Ensure that the glass slide is clean, free from dust
and smears.
• Ensure that the microscope condenser, objec-
tives and ocular lenses are clean < take great
care to clean the microscope with soft lens tis-
• Set the microscope up for critical illumination for
each objective by:
(1) closing the iris diaphragm (the substage con-
denser diaphragm),
(2) adjusting the condenser until the circular area
of illumination has a sharp edge, and
(3) making sure the condenser is centred by using
the adjusting screws.
Always begin with the lowest objective and increase
the magnification slowly.
Transmission electron microscopy
This microscope uses an electron beam instead of
a light source and allows resolution of structures
as small as 1 nm. Small pieces of tissue (cubes not
more than 1 mm on a side) are fixed rapidly (to
avoid artefacts induced by tissue degradation) in
cold glutaraldehyde-based fixative, dehydrated and
embedded in epoxy resin. Sections are cut at
0.03–0.05 µm on an ultramicrotome using a glass
or a diamond knife, mounted on copper grids and
stained with heavy metal solutions such as lead sul-
phate and uranium nitrate. The vapours of fixa-
tives used for electron microscopy processing are
volatile and hazardous to the eyes and mucous
membranes, so an exhaust hood or adequate ven-
tilation is essential.
Scanning electron microscopy
Solid pieces of tissue fixed in a glutaraldehyde fix-
ative, are dried, coated with gold and placed in the
microscope. The electron beam scans the specimen
and a three-dimensional representation of the sur-
face is obtained.
Artefacts induced by
histological processing
The preparation of tissue sections involves a number
of stages during fixing, dehydrating, paraffin embed-
ding, sectioning, deparaffinizing, rehydrating, stain-
ing and coverslipping. Each of these processes
necessitates the manipulation of tissue specimens and
laboratory reagents, thus providing opportunities for
errors to be made. Just one flawed laboratory tech-
nique can spoil the final result. Some of the common
artefacts are illustrated in 1.22<1.26.
Comparative Veterinary Histology with Clinical Correlates