Fig. 10 Results of a finite-element analysis showing the growth of the plastic zone within the tubular
specimen used in the torsional Kolsky bar. Each diagram shows a cross section through half the length of
the tube wall, plus the adjacent flange. The plastic zone is represented by the dark area and the applied
torque is T. Source: Ref 19
The plastic zone begins at the reentrant corner between the thin-wall tube and the flange, and from there
spreads gradually throughout the thickness of the wall. Each diagram in Fig. 10 represents one quarter of the
cross section of the tube and the adjacent part of the flange; thus, the central axis of the specimen lies below in
each diagram. The values of the applied torque are given.
The plastic zone proceeds radially toward the inside wall surface and then across the gage length along the
outside surface of the specimen. The plastic zone is contained until almost the entire specimen begins to flow.
These results are based on a static analysis, but because the wavelength of the pulse is much longer than the
specimen, these data can be applied to the dynamic deformation and appear to agree well with experimental
With continued loading into the plastic range, the strain distribution in the thin-wall tube may not remain
homogeneous. For example, depending on the material, shear bands may form that completely encircle the thin-
wall tube. Whenever the strain is not homogeneous, interpretation of the strain gage records is significantly
altered because the strain rate and, hence, the strain that are calculated from the strain-gage records are average
values based on the assumption that the deformation is homogeneous. If shear bands develop, they are not
encountered until some plastic deformation has accumulated. For instance, Costin et al. observed shear bands in
1018 cold-rolled steel at plastic strain of 8 to 10% (Ref 14). The presence of shear bands in a thin-wall tubular
specimen is easy to detect by scribing fine axial lines on the inside-wall surface of the specimen before loading.
If the strain remains homogeneous throughout the deformation process, after testing, each of these lines appears
tilted at the shear angle within the gage length of the specimen, but remains straight and axial in the flange area
(Fig. 11b). Any departure from a straight line within the gage length is evidence of nonhomogeneous strain.
When nonuniform strain is present, as in the case of a shear band, the lines depart drastically from straight lines
(Fig. 11a).
Fig. 11 Section of specimen showing scribe line after testing. (a) Specimen with nonhomogenous strain
distribution due to the formation of a shear band. (b) Specimen with homogenous strain distribution
Single-crystal specimens can be tested in the torsional Kolsky bar using a small rectangular parallelepiped. A
matched set of four single-crystal specimens with the same crystallographic orientation are tested together. The
specimens are arranged circumferentially at 90° intervals (Fig. 12).