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Industrial Computed Tomography
Michael J. Dennis, General Electric Company, NDE Systems and Services
CT System Design and Equipment
Computed tomography systems are relatively complex compared to some of the other NDE imaging systems. The
production of high-quality CT images requires a stable radiation source, a precise mechanical manipulator, a sensitive x-
ray detector system with high accuracy and a wide dynamic range, considerable computing power (usually with high-
speed array processors), and radiation shielding for personnel safety. Consequently, the capital costs for industrial
computed tomography systems tend to be well above those of most routine inspection systems.
The basic functional block diagram of an x-ray CT system is illustrated in Fig. 12. The major components include:
A precision mechanical manipulator for scanning the testpiece with a radiation source and detector
array. Several different scanning geometries are used to acquire the ordered set of transmission data (see
the section "CT Scanning Geometries"
in this article). The mechanical subsystem may also include