object and the detector decreases the fraction of the scatter radiation that is detected. The use of focused collimators or
directionally sensitive detectors also reduces the amount of detected scatter radiation. Because the scatter radiation varies
slowly with distance, special reference detectors outside of the primary radiation beam can be used to measure the level of
the scatter signal.
Other Systemic Errors. A number of other systemic errors in data measurement can produce inconsistent data and can
result in artifacts or degraded image quality. These inconsistencies may be in the measured signal or may be the result of
poor characterization of the spatial position of the measured ray paths.
In medical CT imaging, patient motion is a major concern. If the object being scanned moves or changes configuration
during data acquisition, the measured data set does not correspond to a specific object. In addition to image blurring,
streaking from boundaries and high-density structures occurs. This is less of a problem with rigid structures in industrial
imaging. However, objects undergoing dynamic changes relative to the scan time, as in a fluid flow study, or poorly
fixtured components that wobble or vibrate during data acquisition can degrade the image quality.
Data are acquired along many ray paths, and the precise combination of this data produces the reconstructed image.
Imprecise manipulator motions, geometric misalignment, or insufficiently characterized positioning can also cause
blurring and image artifacts. An example is a series of tangential streaks forming a star pattern on translate-rotate systems
that can be caused by misalignments between traverses.
Inconsistencies in the data measurements may be due to variations in x-ray source output, the detector, or the detector
electronics. The x-ray tube output is normally measured by reference detectors, and the data are scaled appropriately. This
is effective for tube current changes that do not alter the effective energy of the x-ray beam. Changes in the tube voltage,
however, produce changes in both x-ray intensity and effective energy and are more difficult to correct. A highly stable x-
ray generator with feedback control of the voltage is normally required.
Measurement errors may also be the result of nonlinear detector performance over its entire dynamic range, detector
overranging, or differences between detector elements in a multidetector array. Detector overranging for a limited number
of measurements typically produces well-defined streaks through the image. Third-generation, rotate-only CT systems in
particular require a highly consistent detector array because uncharacterized variations between detectors cause concentric
ring artifacts. Oscillating changes in the detected signal can also occur because of mechanical vibration of the detector or
components within the detector or because of the pickup of electronic interference, especially at the line voltage
References cited in this section
S.M. Blumenfeld and G. Glover, Spatial Resolution in Computed Tomography, in Radiology of
and Brain, Vol 5, Technical Aspects of Computed Tomography,
T.H. Newton and D.G. Potts, Ed., C.V.
Mosby Company, 1981
M.W. Yester and G.T. Barnes, Geometrical Limitations of Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner
Resolution, Appl. Opt. Instr. Med. VI, Proc. SPIE, Vol 127, 1977, p 296-303
P.M. Joseph, Image Noise and Smoothing in Computed Tomography (CT) Scanners, Opt. Eng.,
1978, p 396-399
H.H. Barrett and W. Swindell, Radiological Imaging: The Theory of Image Formation, Detectio
Processing, Academic Press, 1981
G. Cohen and F.A. DiBianca, The Use of Contrast-Detail-
Dose Evaluation of Image Quality in Computed
Tomography Scanners, J. Comput. Asst. Tomogr., Vol 3, 1979, p 189
Standard Guide for Computed Tomography (
CT) Imaging, American Society for Testing and Materials,
K.M. Hanson, Detectability in the Presence of Computed Tomography Reconstruction Noise,
Instr. Med. VI, Proc. SPIE, Vol 127, 1977, p 304
E. Chew, G.H. Weiss, R.H. Brooks, an
d G. DiChiro, Effect of CT Noise on the Detectability of Test
Objects, Am. J. Roentgenol., Vol 131, 1978, p 681