Electronic filters are an integral component of all space and satellite systems. Because the cost of these satellites is very
high and the cost to repair them even more prohibitive, high reliability filters are necessary.
A common mode of filter failure is that caused by inadequate potting of the internal components and the subsequent
physical breakdown of the filter during periods of high vibration, such as that encountered during vehicle launch. Thermal
neutron radiography is the method of choice for determining potting fill levels in encapsulated filters.
The potting material attenuates the thermal neutrons and appears as the light density area. Voids in the potting material,
the fill level, and the distribution can readily be detected with neutron radiography.
References cited in this section
H. Berger, Ed., Practical Applications of Neutron Radiography and Gaging,
STP 586, American Society for
Testing and Materials, 1976
Neutron Radiography Issue, At. Energy Rev., Vol 15 (No. 2), 1977, p 123-364
N.D. Tyufyakov and A.S. Shtan, Principles of Neutron Radiography,
Amerind Publishing, 1979 (translated
from the Russian)
P. Von der Hardt and H. Rottger, Ed., Neutron Radiography Handbook, D. Reidel Publishing, 1981
J.P. Barton and P. Von der Hardt, Ed., Neutron Radiography, D. Reidel Publishing, 1983
L.E. Bryant and P. McIntire, Ed., Radiography and Radiation Testing, in Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
Vol 3, American Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1985
"Standard Practices for Thermal Neutron Radiography of Materials," E 748, Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials
J.P. Barton, G. Farny, J.L. Person, and H. Rottger, Ed., Neutron Radiography, D. Reidel Publishing, 1987
H. Berger, Some Recent Developments in X-Ray and Neutron Imaging Methods, in Nondestructive Testing,
Vol 1, J.M. Farley and R.W. Nichols, Ed., Pergamon Press, 1988, p 155-162
Neutron Radiography
Harold Berger, Industrial Quality, Inc.
1. H. Berger, Ed., Practical Applications of Neutron Radiography and Gaging,
STP 586, American Society
for Testing and Materials, 1976
2. Neutron Radiography Issue, At. Energy Rev., Vol 15 (No. 2), 1977, p 123-364
3. N.D. Tyufyakov and A.S. Shtan, Principles of Neutron Radiography,
(translated from the Russian)
4. P. Von der Hardt and H. Rottger, Ed., Neutron Radiography Handbook, D. Reidel Publishing, 1981
5. J.P. Barton and P. Von der Hardt, Ed., Neutron Radiography, D. Reidel Publishing, 1983
6. L.E. Bryant and P. McIntire, Ed., Radiography and Radiation Testing, in
Handbook, Vol 3, American Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1985
"Standard Practices for Thermal Neutron Radiography of Materials," E 748, Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials
8. J.P. Barton, G. Farny, J.L. Person, and H. Rottger, Ed., Neutron Radiography, D. Reidel Publishing, 1987
9. H. Berger, Some Recent Developments in X-Ray and Neutron Imaging Methods, in
Testing, Vol 1, J.M. Farley and R.W. Nichols, Ed., Pergamon Press, 1988, p 155-162
10. A. Ridal and N.E. Ryan, in Neutron Radiography, Proceedings of the Second World Conference
June 1986), J.L. Barton et al., Ed., D. Reidel Publishing, 1987, p 463-470