bases on forgings, such layout inspections can be accomplished more expediently with computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM) driven equipment, such as coordinate measuring machines or other automated inspection techniques. With
verification of die cavity dimensions prior to use, final part dimensional inspection may be limited to verifying the critical
dimension controlled by the process (such as die closure) and monitoring the changes in the die cavity. Further, with high-
definition and precision aluminum forgings, CAD data bases and automated inspection equipment, such as coordinate
measuring machines and two-dimensional fiber optics, can be used in many cases for actual part dimensional verification.
Heat Treatment Verification. Proper heat treatment of aluminum alloy forgings is verified by hardness
measurements and, in the case of 7xxx-T7xxx alloys, by eddy current inspection. In addition to these inspections,
mechanical property tests are conducted on forgings to verify conformance to specifications. Mechanical property tests
vary from the destruction of forgings to tests of extensions and/or prolongations forged integrally with the parts.
Nondestructive Inspection. Aluminum alloy forgings are frequently subjected to nondestructive inspection to verify
surface or internal quality. The surface finish of aluminum forgings after forging and caustic cleaning is generally good.
A root mean square (rms) surface finish of 3.2 m (125 in.) or better is considered normal for forged and etched
aluminum alloys; under closely controlled production conditions, surfaces smoother than 3.2 m (125 in.) rms can be
obtained. Selection of NDI requirements depends on the final application of the forging. When required, satisfactory
surface quality is verified by liquid penetrant, eddy current, and other techniques. Aluminum alloy forgings used in
aerospace applications are frequently inspected for internal quality using ultrasonic inspection techniques.
Magnesium alloy forgings are subject to the same types of surface and internal discontinuities as aluminum alloy
forgings. In addition, surface cracks are common in magnesium alloy forgings and are usually caused by insufficient
control of the forging temperature.
Visual inspection and liquid penetrant inspection are used to detect surface discontinuities. Ultrasonic inspection is used
to locate internal discontinuities.
Titanium Alloy Forgings. Discontinuities that are most likely to occur in titanium alloy forgings are usually carried
over in the bar or billet. Typical discontinuities in titanium alloy forgings are -stabilized voids, macrostructural defects,
unsealed center conditions, clean voids, and forging imperfections.
Alpha-stabilized voids are among the most common discontinuities found in forgings of titanium alloys. Investigation
and research have determined that voids surrounded by oxygen-stabilized grains may be present in the ingot (Fig. 9).
Because of the size of these voids and the coarse-grain nature of the ingot, they cannot be detected until the ingot has been
suitably reduced in cross section and refined in structure. When the structure has been refined, the voids can be detected
by ultrasonic inspection. Also, when the section is reduced sufficiently, radiographic inspection can be effectively used.
Alpha voids do not readily deform during forging, nor do they
align with the flow pattern, as do typical inclusions in carbon or
alloy steel. In most cases, voids appear to be somewhat
globular. Extremely small voids do not present an especially
ideal target or reflector for ultrasonic energy. Attempts to
correlate size with amplitude of indication obtained during
ultrasonic inspections have not been completely reliable. For
critical-application forgings, the material is most often inspected
twice--once in the bar or billet form before forging and again
after forging. Because forging further refines structure and
reorients possible discontinuities in relation to the sound-entry
surface, the forging operation probably enhances the possibility
of detecting these discontinuities.
Macrodefects. Three principal defects are commonly found in
macrosections of ingot, forged billet, or other semifinished
product forms. These include high-aluminum defects (Type II
defects), high-interstitial defects (Type I defects or low-density
interstitial defects), and flecks. High-aluminum defects are
areas containing an abnormally high amount of aluminum. These
are soft areas in the material (Fig. 10) and are also referred to as
Fig. 9 Ti-8Al-Mo-
1V, as forged. Ingot void
(black), surrounded by a layer of oxygen-
(light). The remaining structure
consists of elongated
grains in a dark matrix of
transformed β
. Etched with Kroll's reagent (ASTM
192). 25×