A few proofs 605
Now, in order to transform bilinear maps on E × F into linear maps, we will use M and
identify in M certain el ements (for instance, we want the basis elements [(x, 2 y)] and [(2x, y)]
to be equal, and to be equal to 2 [ (x, y)]).
For this purpose, let N be the subspace of M generated by al l elements of the following
types, whi ch are obviously in M:
• [(x + x
, y)] −[(x, y)] −[(x
, y)];
• [(x, y + y
)] −[(x, y)] −[(x, y
• [(ax, y)] −a[(x, y)] ;
• [(x, a y)] −a[(x, y)];
where x ∈ E, y ∈ F and a ∈ K are arbitrary.
Consider now T = M/N , the quotient space, and let π be the c anonical projection map
M → M/N , that is, the map which associates to z ∈ M the equivalence class of z, namely, the
set o f elements of the form z + n with n ∈ N . This map is surjective and linear.
Now, E × F can be identified w ith the “canonical” basis of M , and we can therefore
construct a map
ϕ : E × F −→ T = M/N
by sending (x, y) to the class of the basis vector [(x, y)].
We now claim that this map ϕ and T as E ⊗ F satisfy the properties stated for the tensor
Indeed, let u s first show that ϕ is bilinear. Let x, x
∈ E and y ∈ F. Then ϕ(x + x
, y) is the
class of [(x + x
, y]). But notice that the element [(x + x
, y)] −[(x, y)] −[(x
, y
)] is in N by
definition, w h ich means that t he class of [(x + x
, y)] is the class of [(x, y)] + [(x
, y)]. This
means that ϕ(x + x
, y) = ϕ(x, y) + ϕ(x
, y). Exactly i n the same manner, the other elements
we have put in N ensure that all properties required for the bilinearity of ϕ are valid.
We now write E ⊗ F = T , and we simply write ϕ(x, y) = x ⊗ y.
Consider a K-vector spac e G. If we have a linear map T = E ⊗F → G, then the composite
E × F −→ E ⊗ F −→ G
is a bilinear map E ×F → G. Conversely, let B : E ×F → G be a bilinear map. We construct
a map E ⊗ F → G as follows. First, let
B : M → G be the map defined by
(x, y)∈E×F
(x, y)
[(x, y)] 7−→
(x, y)∈E×F
(x, y)
B(x, y).
It is obvious that
B is linear. Moreover, it is immediate that we have
B(n) = 0 for all n ∈ N
because B is bilinear; for instance,
B([(x + x
, y)] −[(x, y)] −[(x
, y)]) = B(x + x
, y) − B(x, y) − B(x
, y) = 0.
This means that we can unambiguously use
B to “induce” a map T → G by x ⊗ y 7→ B(x, y),
because i f we c h ange th e representative of x ⊗ y in M , the value of B(x, y) does not change.
Thus we have constructed a line ar map E ⊗ F → G.
It is now easy (and an excellent exercise) to c heck that the applications just described,
L (E ⊗ F , G) −→ Bil(E × F ,G) and Bil(E × F ,G) −→ L (E ⊗ F ,G),
are reciprocal to eac h other.
• Uniqueness Let ϕ : E × F → H and ϕ
: E × F → H
be two maps satisfying the
property stated in the theorem, where H and H
are K-vector spaces.
Since ϕ
is itself bilinear, there exists (by the property of ϕ) a unique linear map ψ : H →
such t h at ϕ
= ψ ◦ ϕ. Similarly, exchanging the roles of ϕ and ϕ
, there exists a unique
: H
→ H such that ϕ = ψ
. Now notice that we have both ϕ = Id
◦ϕ (a triviality)
and ϕ = ψ
◦ψ ◦ϕ. The universal property of ϕ again implies that ψ
◦ψ = Id
. Similarly,
we find ψ ◦ψ
= Id
, and hence ψ is an isomorphism from H to H
This shows that the tensor product is unique up to isomorphism, and in fact “up to unique