574 Topology an d normed vector spaces
iii) for any n ∈ N and any fi nite family (A
, . . . , A
) ∈ O
of open sets,
the intersection
∈ O is open (any finite intersection of open sets is
Finally, a neighborhood V of a point a ∈ E is any subset V ⊂ E
containing an open set Ω ⊂ V such that a ∈ Ω.
If a set E is given a topology O, then the pair (E, O), or E itself by abuse
of notation, is called a topological space.
Remark A.2 If E is a metric space, that is, a set on which a distance function is defined, the
distance can be used to define a metric topology, using the open balls defined by the distance. In
partic u l ar this is the case for normed vector spaces, whi ch we will discuss separately below.
Using th e notion of open set, the continuity of a map can be defined.
DEFINITION A.3 (Continuity of a m a p) Let (E, O) and (F , O
) be two topo-
logical spaces. A map f : E → F is continuous if, for any open s et Ω ⊂ F ,
the inverse image f
(Ω) =
x ∈ E ; f (x) ∈ Ω
is an open set in E, tha is,
if f
(Ω) ∈ O for any Ω ∈ O
Remark A.4 This definiti on should be compared with t h at of a measurable map between two
measurable spaces (see Definition 2.21 on page 62).
DEFINITION A.5 (Dense subset) Let (E, O) be a topological s pace. A subset
X ⊂ E is dense in E if, for any a ∈ E and any V which is a neighborhood
of a in E, V meets X , that is, V ∩ X 6= ∅.
DEFINITION A.6 (Connected sets) A topological s pace (E, O) is connected if
it is not the union of two nonempty disjoint open sets: it is not possible to
find A and B such that
X = A ∪ B with A ∈ O, B ∈ O, A 6= ∅, B 6= ∅, A ∩ B = ∅.
A subset X ⊂ E is connected if (X , O
) is connected, where the induced
topology O
on X is the topology with open sets of the form U = A ∩ X
for some A ∈ O.
In other words, the topological s pace is connected if it is “in one piece.”
Example A.7 Below are pictures of two sets in th e plane; the set (a) is connected, while (b) is
(a) (b)