550 Random variables
Writ ing |X − N p| = ǫσ with values
X =
π ±10
(both signs “+” and “−” lead to the same result), we find
N =
2 ·10
N p(1 − p), hence N =
4 · 10
p(1 − p)
in other words, N = 560 million, more or less. It is not very reasonable to
expect that π can be computed in this manner.
However, this is a very coarse estimate, since the Bienaymé-Tchebychev
inequality holds w ith no assumptions on the distribution of the random
variable being considered. If we t ake into account the precise distribution of
X , a more precise result can be derived. But th is remains of the same order of
magnitude, and does not really affect the discussion. For instance, s ince the
binomial d istribution may be approximated by a gaussian distribution for N
such that N p(1 − p) is very large, we can find numerically (using tables or
computations of the function erf(x)) a value N ≈ 150 million th rows, which
is only better by a factor of 3.
Independance, correlation, causality
It is very important to distinguish b etween independance, correlation, a nd
causality. In Example 20.47, we saw that two dependent events ca n be uncorre-
Two events are causally linked if one is the cause of the other. For instance,
statistics show that road accidents are more frequent on Saturdays t han other
days of the week (t hus they are correlated). There is causality here: usually
more alcohol is consumed on Saturday, leading to a higher rate of accidents.
However, events may be correlated without causa lit y. An example is given
by Henri Broch [15]: in villages in Alsace, statistics show t hat the number of
births per year is highly correlated with th e number of storks (the correlation
is close to 1). Should we conclude that storks carry babies h ome (which would
mean caus ality)?
David Ruelle, in his excellent book [77], mentions events which are causally
linked but uncorrelated, which is more surprising. Consider, on the one h and,
the position of the planet Venus in the sky, and on the other hand the weather
There is in fact a hidden “causal” explanation: the more families in a village, the more
houses, hence the more c h imneys, and the more room for storks. This causality is not because
of the two events discussed, but because of a third, linked independently with both.