For each tubular joint configuration and each type of brace
loading, the SCF is defined as:
SCF = HSSR / Nominal Brace Stress Range (5.3.1-1)
The Nominal Brace Stress Range should be based on the
section properties of the brace-end under consideration, tak-
ing due account of the brace-stub, or a flared member end, if
present. Likewise, the Stress Concentration Factor (SCF)
evaluation shall be based on the same section dimensions.
Nominal cyclic stress in the chord may also influence the
HSSR and should be considered; see Commentary.
The SCF should include all stress raising effects associated
with the joint geometry and type of loading, except the local
(microscopic) weld notch effect, which is included in the S-N
curve. SCFs may be derived from Finite Element analyses,
model tests or empirical equations based on such methods. In
general. the SCFs depend on the type of brace cyclic loading
(i.e. brace axial load, in-plane bending, out-of plane bending),
the joint type, and details of the geometry. The SCF varies
around the joint, even for a single type of brace loading.
When combining the contributions from the various loading
modes, phase differences between them should be accounted
for, with the design HSSR at each location being the range of
hotspot stress resulting from the point-in-time contribution of
all loading components.
For all welded tubular joints under all three types of load-
ing, a minimum SCF of 1.5 should be used.
5.3.2 SCFs in Unstiffened Tubular Joints
For unstiffened welded tubular joints, SCFs should be
evaluated using the Efthymiou equations; see Commentary.
The linearly extrapolated hot spot stress from Efthymiou
may be adjusted to account for the actual weld toe position,
where this systematically differs from the assumed AWS
basic profiles; see Commentary.
For the purpose of computing SCF, the tubular joints are
typically classified into types T/Y, X, K, and KT depending
on the joint configuration, the brace under consideration and
the loading pattern. As a generalization of the classification
approach, the Influence Function algorithm discussed in the
Commentary may be used to evaluate the hot spot stress
ranges. This algorithm can handle generalized loads on the
braces. Moreover the Influence Function algorithm can han-
dle multi-planar joints for the important case of axial loading.
The Commentary contains a discussion on tubular joints
welded from one side.
5.3.3 SCFs in Internally Ring-Stiffened Tubular
The SCF concept also applies to internally ring stiffened
joints, including the stresses in the stiffeners and the stiffener
to-chord weld. Ring-stiffened joints may have stress peaks at
the brace-ring intersection points. Special consideration
should be given to these locations. SCFs for internally ring-
stiffened joints can be determined by applying the Lloyds
reduction factors to the SCFs for the equivalent unstiffened
joint, see Commentary. For ring-stiffened joints analyzed by
such means, the minimum SCF for the brace side under axial
or OPB loading should be taken as 2.0.
Ring stiffeners without flanges on the internal rings should
consider high stress that may occur at the inner edge of the
5.3.4 SCFs in Grouted Joints
Grouting tends to reduce the SCF of the joint since the
grout reduces the chord deformations. In general, the larger
the ungrouted SCF, the greater the reduction in SCF with
grouting. Hence, the reductions are typically greater for X
and T joints than for Y and K joints. The Commentary dis-
cusses approaches for calculating SCFs for grouted joints.
5.3.5 SCFs in Cast Nodes
For cast joints, the SCF is derived from the maximum
principal stress at any point on the surface of the casting
(including the inside surface) divided by the nominal brace
stress outside the casting. The SCFs for castings are not
extrapolated values, but are based on directly measured or
calculated values at any given point, using an analysis that is
sufficiently detailed to pick up the local notch effects of fillet
radii, etc. Consideration should also be given to the brace-to
casting girth weld, which can be the most critical location for
Non-tubular members and connections in deck structures,
appurtenances and equipment; and tubular members and
attachments to them, including ring stiffeners, may be subject
to variations of stress due to environmental loads or opera-
nal loads. Operational loads would include those associ-
ated with machine vibration, crane usage and filling and
emptying of tanks. Where variations of stress are applied to
conventional weld details, identified in ANSI/AWS D1.1-
2002 Table 2.4, the associated S-N curves provided in AWS
Figure 2.11 should be used, dependent on degree of redun-
dancy. Where such variations of stress are applied to tubular
nominal stress situations identified in ANSI/AWS D1.1-2002
Table 2.6, the associated S-N curves provided in AWS Figure
2.13 should be used. Stress Categories DT, ET, FT, Kl, and
K2, refer to tubular connections where the SCF is not known.
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