zontal levels and vertical faces of the jacket, and
primary deck bracing. The strut element should recog-
nize reductions in buckling and post-buckling resis-
tance due to applied inertia or hydrodynamic transverse
loads. Effects of secondary (frame-induced) moments
may be ignored when this type of element is selected.
Some jacket members, such as horizontals, may not
carry high axial loads until after buckling or substantial
loss of strength of the primary vertical frame bracing.
c. Moment resisting members. These are undamaged
members with low Kl/r ratios and dominant high-bend-
ing stresses that are expected to form plastic hinges
under extreme loading. Examples of such members are
unbraced sections of the deck and jacket legs, and piles.
d. Joints. The joint model should recognize whether the
joint can form a hinge or not, depending on its D/t ratio
and geometry, and should define its load deformation
characteristics after hinge formation. Other evaluations
of joint strength may be acceptable if applicable, and if
substantiated with appropriate documentation.
e. Damaged elements. The type of damage encountered
in platforms ranges from dents, bows, holes, tears, and
cracks to severely corroded or missing members and
collapsed joints. Theoretical as well as experimental
work has been ongoing to evaluate the effects of dam-
age on structural strength and stiffness. Some of this
work is currently proprietary, and others are in the pub-
lic domain. Modeling of such members should provide
a conservative estimate of their strength up to and past
f. Repaired and strengthened elements. The type of
repairs usually used on platforms ranges from wet or
hyperbaric welding, grouting, and clamps to grinding
and relief of hydrostatic pressure. Grouting is used to
stiffen members and joints, and to preclude local buck-
ling due to dents and holes. Grinding is commonly
used to improve fatigue life and to remove cracks. Sev-
eral types of clamps have been successfully used, such
as friction, grouted, and long-bolted clamps. Platform
strengthening can be accomplished by adding lateral
struts to improve the buckling capacity of primary
members, and by adding insert or outrigger piles to
improve foundation capacity. Modeling of repaired ele-
ments requires a keen sense of judgment tempered by
conservatism, due to lack of experience in this area.
g. Foundations. In a detailed/pile-soil interaction analy-
sis, the soil resistance can be modeled as a set of com-
pliant elements that resist the displacements of the pile.
Such elements are normally idealized as distributed,
uncoupled, nonlinear springs. In dynamic analysis,
hysteretic behavior can also be significant. Recommen-
dations for characterizing nonlinear soil springs are as
• Soil Strength and Stiffness Parameters: A profile
of relevant soil properties at a site is required to char-
acterize the soil resistance for extreme event analy-
sis. Soil strength data are particularly important in
characterizing soil resistance. In some cases, other
model parameters (such as initial soil stiffness and
damping) are correlated with strength values and
thus can be estimated from the strength profile or
other rules of thumb.
• Lateral Soil Resistance Modeling: A method for
constructing distributed, uncoupled, nonlinear soil
springs (p-y curves) is described in Section 6.8.
These techniques may be useful for modeling the
monotonic loading behavior of laterally deforming
piles where other site-specific data are not available.
Due to their empirical nature, the curves should be
used with considerable caution, particularly in situa-
tions where unloading and reloading behavior is
important or where large displacement response such
as ultimate capacity (displacements generally greater
than 10% of the pile diameter) is of interest.
• Axial Soil Resistance Modeling: A method for con-
structing distributed, uncoupled, nonlinear soil
springs (t-z and q-w curves) for axial resistance mod-
eling is described in Section 6.7. These techniques
may be useful for modeling the monotonic loading
behavior of axially deforming piles where other site-
specific data is not available. To construct a “best
estimate” axial soil resistance model, it may be
appropriate to adjust the curves in Section 6.7 for
loading rate and cyclic loading effects, which are
known to have a significant influence on behavior in
some cases.
• Torsional Soil Resistance Modeling
: Distributed,
coupled, nonlinear soil springs for torsional resis-
tance modeling can be constructed in a manner simi-
lar to that for constructing t-z curves for axial
resistance. Torsion is usually a minor effect and lin-
ear resistance models are adequate in most cases.
• Mudmats and Mudline Horizontal Members: In
an ultimate strength analysis for a cohesive soil site,
it may be appropriate to consider foundation bearing
capacities provided by mudmats and mudline hori-
zontal members, in addition to the foundation capac-
ity due to pilings, provided that:
1. Inspection was conducted to confirm the integ-
rity of the mudmats.
2. Inspection confirmed that the soil support under-
neath the mudmats and horizontals has not been
undermined by scour. For design purposes, the
bearing capacity due to mudmats and mudline
jacket members are typically neglected.
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